
Woe to the daughter of Karim, her dowry is reason

ما لابنة كرم مهروها العقلا

1. Woe to the daughter of Karim, her dowry is reason
After her folly she deserves death

١. ما لاِبنَةِ كَرمٍ مَهروها العَقلا
مِن بَعدِ سبائها اِستَحَقَّت قَتلا

2. Spill her blood for she is defiant
An unwed maiden, pregnant with the regret of the repentant

٢. أَهدِر دمها فَإِنَّها عانِسَةٌ
عَذراءُ بِنَشوة النَدامى حُبلى