
Oh disgrace upon one who stumbled with pride in his old age

وا خجلة عاثر بذيل الكبر

1. Oh disgrace upon one who stumbled with pride in his old age
His face is darkened by the whiteness of his hair

١. وَا خجلةَ عاثِرٍ بِذَيلِ الكِبَرِ
قَد سَوَّدَ وَجهَه بَياضُ الشَعَرِ

2. Had it not been for the humility found in grey hairs
The promises of time would not have faded

٢. لَو لَم يَكُ في خِفارَةِ الشيبِ أَتى
ما أَخفرتِ العُهودَ ذاتُ الخَفَرِ