
If his waist is thin and his mouth overflows with bounty

إن أعوز خصره وفوه نيلا

1. If his waist is thin and his mouth overflows with bounty
Then elegance, as you know, displays inclination

١. إِن أَعوَزَ خَصرُهُ وَفوه نَيلا
فالقَدُّ كَما عَلِمتَ يُبدي المَيلا

2. Though killing with a glance, languor there may be
Yet he has tucked up his flowing locks

٢. في قَتليَ لِلطَّرفِ فتورٌ لَكِن
قَد شَمَّرَ جَعدُ طُرَّتَيهِ الذَيلا