
They blamed Aqilah, the one alive, about us

فيم اتهموا عقيلة الحي بنا

1. They blamed Aqilah, the one alive, about us
Who cast doubt and stirred up strife

١. فيمَ اِتَّهَموا عَقيلَةَ الحيِّ بِنا
مَن أَوقَع شَكّاً وَأَثارَ الفِتَنا

2. If I gained anything but talk I gained no wish from me
Or was it but an embrace - it was not I

٢. إِن نِلتُ سِوى الحَديث لا نِلتُ منى
أَو كانَ سِوى العِناق لا كُنتُ أَنا