
I clasped my lover's hand when he pulled me near

جاذبت يد الحبيب إذ جاذبني

1. I clasped my lover's hand when he pulled me near
And chose to chide him even as he chided me

١. جاذَبتُ يَدَ الحَبيبِ إِذ جاذَبَني
واِختَرتُ عِتابَهُ كَما عاتَبَني

2. Why did the jealous one expose me when the time was fair
Had he but seen the secret of my tryst he would have watched over me

٢. لِم كاشَفَني الغَيورُ وَالوَقتُ صَفا
لَو شاهَدَ سِرَّ خَلوَتي راقَبَني