
I have said and the yearning for you reached me

قد قلت ووصلها غليلي نقعا

1. I have said and the yearning for you reached me
No lover like me pursued your love

١. قَد قُلتُ وَوَصلُها غَليلي نَقَعا
ما مِثليَ عاشِقٌ هَواكَ اِتّبعا

2. In love of you how many subtle things befell me
She said, "Do you see one subtler than me?"

٢. في عِشقكِ كَم لَطيفَةٍ لي وَقعت
قالَت أَتَرى أَلطَفَ مِنّي وَقعا