
From the opposite of the blackness of sad eyes

من عكس سواد أعين الدهماء

1. From the opposite of the blackness of sad eyes
On your cheek is a smudge of darkness

١. مِن عَكسِ سواد أَعيُن الدَهماءِ
في خَدِّكَ لَطخةٌ مِنَ الظَلماءِ

2. But your face which once passed through my heart
Took with it a trace of blackness

٢. بَل وَجهُك ذا مَرَّ بِقَلبي قِدماً
فاِستَصحَبَ مِنهُ أَثَرَ السَوداءِ