
Let the breeze that reaches her waft, it has perfumed

دعني فنسيم وصلها قد فاحا

1. Let the breeze that reaches her waft, it has perfumed
No heart has found solace in tears that flowed

١. دَعني فَنَسيمُ وَصلِها قَد فاحا
لَم يَلوِ عَلى المُدامِ قَلبٌ راحا

2. In yearning that separation's poisons consume my soul
If the gentle wind of union caressed, it would revive me, fallen

٢. في هاجِرَةِ الهَجرِ سُمومٌ نَفسي
لَو ساوَرَ لَفحُهُ عَذولي طاحا