
I have become, because of love, like a camel with a nose ring

أصبحت على الهوى ربيط الجاش

1. I have become, because of love, like a camel with a nose ring
The watcher does not disturb me with his cries

١. أَصبَحتُ عَلى الهَوى رَبيطَ الجاشِ
لا يُزعجني الرَقيبُ بالإِيجاشِ

2. For the sake of your love, my cheeks have shed their blood
In your love, I have no care for slanderers

٢. مِن نقل وشاتي نَذَرَ الحَيُّ دَمي
في حُبّك ما لي وَلِهذا الواشي