
How often have I pleaded, while the bending boughs

كم قلت وهاج رنة الورقاء

1. How often have I pleaded, while the bending boughs
Of the willow tree implored a crooked branch to bow.

١. كَم قُلتُ وَهاج رَنَّةُ الوَرقاءِ
تَستَعطِفُ فرعَ بانَةٍ مَيلاءِ

2. Oh how I wish, were I unable to plead so,
I could implore one whose love has left me frail.

٢. يا وَيليَ إِن عجزتُ عَن ذاك وَلَم
أَستَعطِف من هاجَ هَواهُ دائي