
From her cheeks the roses stole their hue

من وجنتها الورد جمالا سرقا

1. From her cheeks the roses stole their hue
And, blushing red for shame, bedewed with dew

١. مِن وَجنتها الوَردُ جَمالاً سَرَقا
فاِحمَرَّ مِنَ الحَياء يندي عَرَقا

2. When her face's water thus away did glide
The veil, as you can see, was torn aside

٢. إِن أَذهَبَ ماء وَجهِهِ لاقَ بِهِ
فالسِترُ كَما تَرى عَلَيهِ اِنخَرَقا