
Does the soul have any nourishment besides your voice?

للروح سوى لفظك هل من قوت

1. Does the soul have any nourishment besides your voice?
In loving you, does the blameworthy have anything besides condemnation?

١. لِلروحِ سِوى لَفظِكَ هَل مِن قوتِ
في حُبِّكَ هَل لام سِوى مَمقوتِ

2. A garden blossom opened its mouth,
So a ruby branch might bear pearls as fruit.

٢. فَتَّحت وَلا كَزَهرَة الرَوضِ فَماً
كَي يثمرَ دُرّاً غُصُنُ الياقوتِ