1. O fluttering youth, who has fashioned
This beauty in its bloom and arrogance?
١. يا طَرير الشَباب مَن صاغَ هَذا
الحُسن في زَهوه وَفي اِستكباره
2. Who melted radiance into it, and from whose
Songs of passion did its chords sigh?
٢. مَن أَذابَ الضِياء فيهِ وَمِن نَغَـ
ـم شَجو الهَوى عَلى أَوتاره
3. Who aimed and hit with images of seduction
Shot from its flowers at its stems?
٣. مَن رَمى مَن أَصابَ صُور الفتنة
مِن زرها عَلى إِزراره
4. And the languor in your eyes with that glamour
Is the sorcery of life in its domains.
٤. وَالفُتور الَّذي بِعينيك مِن موّه
سحر الحَياة في أَقطاره
5. This beauty was fashioned by one for whom
Time's turning could not steal it away.
٥. صاغَ هَذا الجَمال مَن لَم يَنم عَنـ
ـهُ لِصَرف الزَمان أَو أَغياره
6. Fashioned it in childhood's contentment
With the glow of the hearth and its flame.
٦. صاغَهُ في رِضى الطُفولة مِن لين
وَمِن وَقدة العَرين وَنارَه
7. I wondered, what is love, what passion, what
Are the whispers that hint of its secrets?
٧. حَرت ما الحُب ما الهَوى ما التَعاب
ير اللَواتي يَبن عَن أَسراره
8. A gaze like a prayer, drawing close to God
And nearing His glory and might.
٨. نَظرة كَالصَلاة زُلفى إِلى اللَه
وَقُربى لِعزه وَاِقتِداره
9. O springtime of life with no hint of
Its greens or its reds fading away,
٩. يا رَبيع الحَياة في غَير شَيء
مِن مَجالي اِخضِراره وَاِحمِراره
10. O springtime of life in everything
Of its scents and burgeoning sway,
١٠. يا رَبيع الحَياة في كُل شَيء
مِن مَعاني عَبيره وَاِزدِهاره
11. You came to welcome the spring, born anew,
Gleeful on the meadows at play.
١١. جئت تَستَقبل الرَبيع وَليداً
مُستَهلاً عَلى الرُبى بِهزاره
12. Blessed the spring's birth and its cheer
With the grasslands' return to green arrays,
١٢. حَبَّذا مَولد الرَبيع وَمَرحى
بِشَباب الثَرى وَرجع اِخضِراره
13. In it wonders wrought by the Painter and feats
Marvelous in their order and showers.
١٣. فيهِ مِن زُخرف المُصور وَشي
مُعجز في نِظامه وَنِثاره
14. Tales sung by the meadows, life
By the earth, and over it charged zephyrs.
١٤. أَصص كُلَها الربى وَحَياة
كُلَّها الأَرض وَفَوق ذات غِراره
15. You came to welcome the spring, and inhale
The scent of life from its breezes.
١٥. جِئت تَستَقبل الرَبيع وَتَستَن
شي عَبير الحَياة مِن آذاره
16. Youth circled around you, each
Enraptured by beauty in its pride.
١٦. مارّ مِن حَولك الشَباب وَكُل
مُخلد لِلجَمال في اكباره
17. They worshipped your radiant face and came
To pluck the fragrance from its flowers.
١٧. عَبدوا وَجهك النَضير وَجاؤوا
يَنشقون الأَريج مِن أَزهاره
18. They drew near to read affection's sweet lines
And verses of love in its traces.
١٨. دلفوا يَقرأون عَذب المَراس
يم وَآي الهَوى عَلى آثاره
19. They drowned your spirit in affection and so
My heart quaked for you from its depths.
١٩. غَمَروا بِالحَنان روحك وَاِستَنز
فت قَلبي إِلَيك مِن أَغواره