
From the lamentations of darkness, with a brother

من لنواحة الدجى بأخ

1. From the lamentations of darkness, with a brother
Whose passion flows over it and whose purest blood and breath

١. مِن لِنواحة الدُجى بِأَخ يَمـ
ـلي عَلَيها الشجي مِن إِيحائه

2. Release the unfathomable gods,
Tell it the tidings of hope though the smiles

٢. يُخلص الآلهة العَميقة مِن أَنبـ
ـل أَنفاسه وَأَزكى دِمائه

3. Of existence vanished after its passing,
They taught it how tears should flow, to drain

٣. قُل لَها صوح الرَجاء وَغاضَت
بِسمات الوُجود بَعدَ اِنقِضائه

4. The water of the eyes because of it,
And they filled its chest with the songbirds of death

٤. عَلَموها كَيفَ الدُموع لِتَستَنـ
ـزف ماء العُيون مِن جرائه

5. Clapping over its song, beyond it a hand,
And the hand of death scatters sincere purposes -

٥. وَاِملأوا صَدرَها أَغاريد لِلمَو
ت عَلى شَدوِها يَد مِن وَرائه

6. Germs into the places of its disease,
So it aimed its arrow and did not miss the Shaykh

٦. وَيَد المَوت تَنثر القَصد الحَر
ى جَراثيم في مَواضع دائه

7. Though it was hasty in his ending,
My eyes witnessed the death of virtue

٧. فوقت سَهمَها فَلم تُخطئ الشَيخ
وَلَكن تَعجَلت في اِنتهائه

8. And the deep fall of the lofty one from his heights,
And my onlooker saw a martyr whom blood

٨. شَهدت مصرع الفَضيلة عَينا
ي وَمَهوى الصَريع مَن عَليائه

9. Nearly flows over the hem of his gown,
And I saw the pasture and sighted

٩. وَرَأى ناظِري شَهيداً يَكاد الدَ
م يَجري عَلى جزين رِدائه

10. A youth coming to his fathers,
So look around him, angels of eternity

١٠. وَتَبينت ما يَريع وَأَبصَر
ت فَتى مُقبِلاً عَلى آبائه

11. Circling in the beauty of his feast,
An angel from whose wing the roses blow

١١. فَاِنظُروا حَولَهُ مَلائكة الخُـ
ـلد يَطوفن في جَميل اِحتِفائه

12. And bliss sprouts from his limbs,
And a merciful one of the cherubim

١٢. ملك مِن جَناحه يَهب الوَر
د وَيَنشو النَعيم مِن أَعضائِهِ

13. Who extends the shade from his sides,
Adorn it, O angels, with flowers, or honor his noble bier,

١٣. وَرَحيم مِن المَلائكة الغُر
يَمد الظَليل مِن أَفيائه

14. And do your best for the One, the Only, and preserve for me some of his story,
How I burnt in the embers of his presence, a group

١٤. كَليل بِالوَرود أَيَّتها الأَمـ
ـلاك أَو ظللي كَريم فَنائه

15. Of his mourners beside me,
In my agony there is clarity, and in my eyes

١٥. وَاِحفلي ما اِستَطَعت بِالواحد الـ
ـفرد وَصوني عَلَيهِ بَعض روائه

16. From his love, from his distress and his hopes,
A tear that inflames sorrows or extinguishes

١٦. كَم تَحَرَقت في مَجامر إذكا
ها بِجَنبي طائف مِن رثائه

17. In the duct if its hope is dashed,
O destiny who aimed true, striking the heart

١٧. إِن في لَوعَتي بَياناً وَفي عَيني
مِن وَجدِهِ وَمِن بَرحائِهِ

18. Of time in its holiness and grandeur,
For the shrouded one in his relics

١٨. مَدمَعاً يُلهب الأَسية أَو يُطفئ
في المَسيل وَقَد رَجائه

19. Of the messengers of good, or the echo of his prophets,
I said, carry his bier through the valleys of the wind

١٩. يا قَضاء رَمى فَأقصد قَلب الدَ
هر في قُدسِهِ وَفي كِبرِيائه

20. And walk with it over its setbacks,
And flow out and ask permission in God's heaven

٢٠. لِلمَسجي بِثَوبِهِ مِن بَقايا
رُسل الخَير أَو صَدى أَنبيائه

21. To allow you into His skies,
And enter it, for among you is one humble

٢١. قُلت سَيروا بِنَعشِهِ في هَوادي ا
لريح وَاِمشوا بِهِ عَلى نَكبائِهِ

22. And one streaming with tears,
Set forth in the sky and seek the dawn

٢٢. وَاستَفيضوا وَاِستَأذِنوا في سَماء
اللَه يَأذَن إِلَيكُم في سَمائه

23. And build his tomb from its light,
O blot on virtue, in whose mystery and depths

٢٣. وَأَدخُلوها فَمِنكُم خاشع الطَر
ف وَمِنكَم مُستَرسل في بُكائه

24. Lay all that is noble,
The hope in its spring has dried, the sweet

٢٤. وَاِنفُروا في السَماء فَالتَمِسوا الـ
ـفَجر وَصُوغوا ضَريحه مِن ضِيائه

25. Dream in the depths of its water is arid,
And the throbbing heart from thought is folded

٢٥. يا ذماء مِن الفَضيلة كُل النبـ
ـل في سره وَفي أَحشائه

26. Away, precious in its remoteness,
A nation was too hasty for him, and in ourselves

٢٦. غاض في نَبعِهِ الرَجاء وَجَف الأَ
مَل الحُلو في قَرارة مائِهِ

27. A need to keep him remains,
So sob, O souls, for weeping, or gather me

٢٧. وَاِنطَوى خافق أَغَر مِن الفكـ
ـر عَزيز عَلى بُعد اِنطِوائه

28. To his family,
And come, let us ask death what would

٢٨. عوجِلَت أُمة عَلَيهِ وَفي أَنفُسِـ
ـنا حاجة إِلى اِستِبقائه

29. Lift the puzzle of its thick covering,
Is it death, this great stillness

٢٩. فَاجهَشي لِلبُكاء أَيَّتها الأَنفُـ
ـس أَو أَجملي عَلي لِأَوائه

30. Over the serenity of the earth, or its nudity?
Is it death, this first step

٣٠. وَتَعالي نَستَلهم المَوت ما يَر
فَع عَن لُغزِهِ سَميك غِطائه

31. To the Savior of the world from its troubles?
Is it death, that endless forever

٣١. أَهُوَ المَوت هَذِهِ الهدأة الكُبرى
عَلى وَهدة الثَرى أَو عَرائه

32. Folded in on itself, in its markings?
Lie buried there in its mummy cloths

٣٢. أَهُوَ المَوت هَذِهِ الخُطوة الأُو
لى إِلى مُنقذ الوَرى مِن عَنائه

33. So postpone it if you want, not by the threads of dawn
If you desire it, nor by its intelligent design,

٣٣. أَهُوَ المَوت ذَلِكَ الأَبَد المَطـ
ـوي في نفسِهِ عَلى سَيمائه

34. Do you ask existence the meanings of the heavens
Or deduce them from its air?

٣٤. هَذِ بَينَنا المَظاهر وَالسر
دَفين هُناكَ في موميائه

35. That is hidden over the generations, so there is no
Hope in fathoming it and bringing it to light,

٣٥. فَأَجله إِن أَرَدت لا مِن خَيوط الفَجر
إِن شئته وَلا مِن ذِكائه

36. O Abu al-Qasim overlooking the world
From his grave and from his heights,

٣٦. أَفَتَستَلهم الوُجود مَعاني السَـ
ـموات أَم تَستَمدها مِن هَوائه

37. For you I have a great hand that stirred a memory
And roused it from its slumber,

٣٧. تِلكَ مَخبوءة القُرون فَلا مطمـ
ـع في كنهها إِلى اِستجلائه

38. For you I have covenants on my shoulder I could never
Fulfill, even if you add to their burdens,

٣٨. يا أبا القاسم المطل عَلى العال
لم مِن لَحدِهِ وَمِن علوائه

39. I was in the company of the dead people
So destruction made its way to its lodgings,

٣٩. لَكَ عِندي كُبرى يَد نَبهت ذِكـ
ـرى وَاِستَنفَرته مِن إِغفائه

40. Hoping you might see lively ones there, and find
The living in their midst, alive in their quarters,

٤٠. لَكَ في عاتِقي مَواثيق ما أَجـ
ـدرها إِن تُزيد مِن أَعبائه

41. Some in graves are dead, and some
In being lost was the way to their survival,

٤١. كُنت في رِفقة مِن الناس مَوتى
فَاِنتَهَجَت الرَدى إِلى نَزلائه

42. Lord, grant from You the soul of my father al-Qasim
What You never granted to his peers,

٤٢. آملاً أَن تَرى هُنالك أَحيا
ء فَحي الرِغام في أَحيائه

43. Grant him the mercy of heaven and bless
His offspring and his children.

٤٣. بَعض مَن في القُبور مَوتى وَبَعـ
ـض كانَ في فُقدانه سَبيل بَقائه