1. Where did the procession of light end?
On the path you took with you,
١. مَوكب النُور أَين أَفضى
بِكَ الطَريق الَّذي سَلكته
2. And that sanctuary since you fulfilled
I see you in the stream it poured.
٢. وَذَلِكَ القُدس مُذ تَقضى
تَراك في جَدول سَكبته
3. Did I sleep in its lap and nap?
Or did you take shelter in a house on the way?
٣. أَنام في حجره وَأَغضى
أَم اَنتَحي في الطَريق بَيته
4. O gentleness in the earth melting away
And freshness spreading for the meadows
٤. يا رقة في الثَرى تَذوب
وَنَضرة لِلرَدى تَنشر
5. And here disappearing temptation
And a scholar of passion breaking
٥. وَفتنة ها هُنا تَغيب
وَعالِماً مِن الهَوى تَكسر
6. Have you been granted relief, oh bosoms?
For that is the grave of the beloved breaking
٦. أَأَنت عُوفيت يا جُيوب
دذاك قَبر الحَبيب يَكسر
7. And all its pebbles are hearts
Surging around it and humming
٧. وَكُل حَصبائه قُلوب
تَموج مِن حَوله وَتَزخر
8. And here a bowl and cups
His spears hit their mark and seared
٨. هُنا جَمال الحَياة يَطوى
هُنا عُيون الهَوى تَنام
9. So he hurried the drinking and the wine
And here his cup is satiated
٩. هُنا سِهام القَضاء نَشوى
وَها هُنا طاسة وَوجام
10. The earth drinks from it and the gravel
Oh anguish filling the deserts
١٠. أَصابَ رِماحه وَأَشوى
فَعوجل الشُرب وَالمدام
11. And a charm crowding the graves
How did you make the bare plains your home?
١١. وَهَذِهِ كَأسه تَروى
مِن خَمرِها الأَرض وَالرِجام
12. And not feel safe in palaces?
And how did you make it your home?
١٢. يا لَوعة تَملأ الصَحارى
وَطَلسما يَزحم القُبورا
13. And how did you barricade it with rocks?
You used to summon the chaste maidens
١٣. كَيفَ اِتخَذت العَراء دارا
وَلَم تَكُن تَأمَن القُصورا
14. To strew flowers around you
١٤. وَكَيفَ أَقطَعتها دِيارا
وَكَيفَ وَسَدتها صُخورا
١٥. وَكُنت تَستَنفر العَذارى
يَنثُرون مِن حَولك الزُهورا