1. O water held back behind the light
How strange you deceived the enchanted one with your abundance
١. ياماء مُحتبساً وَراء النور
عَجَباً خَدَعت بِفَيضك المَسحور
2. O beauty, it is enough for me to be deceived by sorcery
Or enough for the charms to be deceived by falsity
٢. يا حسن حَسبي مِن خِداع السحر
اَو حَسب المَفاتن مِن خِداع الزور
3. Is that the window of passing, and these
Balconies, or is it a world of light?
٣. أَفتلك نافِذة الفَناء وَهَذِهِ الشـ
ـرفات أَم هِيَ عالم مِن نور
4. And there you are, or is it majesty, or passion
Colored images on crystal
٤. وَهُناكَ أَنتَ أَم الجَلال أَم الهَوى
صُوَراً مُلَونة عَلى بلور
5. I thought it was a world there for a passerby
Who clung to it or a lovelorn poet
٥. لَحسبتها دُنيا هُناك لِعابر
علق بِها أَو شاعر موتور
6. And I almost thought they were meanings shortened
Into a word that passion poured into a cycle
٦. وَلَكدت أَحسبها معاني قصرت
كلماً فَأَفرغها الهَوى في دور
7. Delighted by your beautiful rising and my stance
When that was an upright, frightened stance
٧. مَرحى بِمَطلعك الجَميل وَمَوقِفي
إِذ ذاكَ مَوقف شاخص مَذعور
8. I forgot myself in the beauty and the gazes were absent
From my thoughts, enthralled by you
٨. أَنسيت نَفسي في الجَمال وَغِبت مَأ
خوذ النَواظر فيكَ عَن تَفكيري
9. And by the spell of the window of passing, and beneath it
A resting place for babies or a yard for maidens
٩. وَبِسحر نافِذة الفَناء وَدونَها
مغدى الوَلائد أَو مراح الحور
10. And from behind its skies it appeared
Like water held back behind the light
١٠. وَهُناك تَطلَع مِن وَراء سَمائِها
كَالماء مُحتَبِساً وَراء النور
11. And your beloved's playfulness behind its
Transparent glass, teasing the enchanted young man
١١. وَبلهوك المَحبوب خَلف زُجاجها الـ
ـفُضي تَعبث بِالفَتى المَسحور