1. In the night there is depth, and in gloom there is a tunnel
If time poured into it, it would swallow it
١. في اللَيل عَمق وَفي الدُجى نَفق
لَو صَبَ فيهِ الزَمان لابتلعه
2. If thunder tore my hearing someone
In the depth of that gloom it would not hear it
٢. لَو مَزَق الرَعد مَسمَعي أَحَد
في عُمق ذاكَ الدُجى لَمّا سَمعه
3. If dawn with its edges poured in
The smallest vessel in its possession and flooded it
٣. لَو أَفرَغ الفَجر ذُو الجَوانب في
أَدنى إِناء مِن عِندَه وَسغه
4. Its stars would remain drowned in its chest
And the mother of stars lying in its bed
٤. تَظَل في صَدرِهِ كَواكبه
غَرقى وأم النُجوم مَضطجَعَه
5. Life would lose its world in it
As the stranger loses his dwelling place
٥. تَضل فيهِ الحَياة عالمها
كَما يَضَل الغَريب مَرتبعه
6. And the vast world would shrink into
A sturdy corner that nothing can be seen with it
٦. وَيَنزَوي العالم العَريض إِلى
رُكن مَنيع لا يَستَبين مَعَه
7. It would wipe out whatever traces existence has
Its place in time or lost it
٧. يَمسَح ما لِلوجود مَن أَثَر
مَكانه في الزَمان أَو ضَيعه
8. And would erase ugliness and beauty, so that
In the universe there would be no meaning left that it had not taken away
٨. وَيَطمس القَبح وَالجَمال فَما
في الكَون مَعنى إِلّا وَقَد نَزَعَه
9. In where the wiping clouds it, you would think it
Inherited the rope of life and cut it off
٩. في حَيث أَضفى المَسوح تَحسبه
أَرث حَبل الحَياة فَاِقتَطَعه
10. Life passed over it crossing it
In a boat that I know who built it
١٠. مَرَت عَلَيهِ الحَياة تَعبره
في زَورَق أَعرف الَّذي صَنَعَه
11. Until when its banks became independent
The deep swallowed it
١١. حَتّى إِذا ما اِستَقَل آذيه
طَغى عَلَيهِ العَباب فَاِبتَلَعَه
12. And there was an age and eras fell down
And ignorance inciting over its dusty ground
١٢. وَكانَ دَهر وَنَكبت حقب
وَالجَهل يَغرى عَلى ثَرى سَبعه
13. Repelling the arrow of light with its shield
And taking refuge in caves so that it would not shake it off
١٣. يَرد سَهم الضِياء دارعه
وَيَحتَمي بِالكُهوف أَن تزعه
14. Until the light overflowed and a
Source of light gushed out, its innovation astray
١٤. حَتّى أَفاضَ الضِياء وَاِنفَجَرَت
عَين مِن النُور شَرَدَت بدعه
15. So today no boat of morning is difficult
Nor are the harbors of the sky inaccessible
١٥. فَاليَوم لا مَركَب الضُحى عسر
وَلا مَراقي السَماء مُمتنعه
16. A light from knowledge on its steps
We strive and for knowledge in existence there is capacity
١٦. ضوء مِن العلم في مدارجه
نَسعى وللعلم في الوُجود سِعَه