
O soul in darkness, how much agony you suffer from burning,

يا مظلم الروح كم تشقى على حرق

1. O soul in darkness, how much agony you suffer from burning,
Which the heart and spirit endure from you,

١. يا مُظلم الروح كَم تَشقى عَلى حَرق
مِما يُكابد مِنكَ القَلب وَالرُوح

2. Slaughtered next to you, embraced by
A slaughtered heart from you in the world of the chest.

٢. هَدى بِجَنبيكَ مَذبوح يَحف بِهِ
في عالم الصَدر قَلب مِنكَ مَذبوح

3. Reason has gone with you, not prospering from it at all,
And doubt has become accustomed to you when hopes were frustrated.

٣. مَضى بِكَ العَقل لَم تَسعَد بِهِ أَثَراً
وَاِعتادَكَ الشَك إِذ ضاقَت بِكَ السوح

4. And you remained on earth taken, so you did not triumph,
The homelands did not master you, nor the tablet.

٤. وَظَللت في الأَرض مَأخوذ فَلا ظَفرت
بِكَ الدِيار وَلا اِستَولى بِكَ اللوح

5. Suspended by the hands of days, discarded
On the margin of the unknown, neither Jesus nor Noah.

٥. معلقاً في يَد الأَيام مطرحاً
في هامش الغَيب لا عِيسى وَلا نوح

6. And yesterday my faith left me in a
Dusty affection, in whose depths the winds roar.

٦. وَدَعت أَمس يَقيني في مودأة
غَبراء تَعصف في أَعماقِها الريح

7. The sun of the heart's world was shattered and extinguished
In the world of the soul, my lamps.

٧. تَكَسَرَت شَمس دُنيا القَلب وَاِنطَفَأَت
في عالم الروح نَفسي المَصابيح

8. And the buried guiding light still lives and laments, it has
No return, for it went too deep in the darkness.

٨. وَيَحي وَوَيح الهُدى المَقبور لَيسَ لَهُ
رَجعي وَقَد أَوغَلت في التَباريح

9. Today I know nothing but that tomorrow
Is a gate that sealed shutters pass through.

٩. لا أَعرف اليَوم إِلّا أَنَّه لِغَد
باب تَمر عَلى مغلاقه يوح