1. Take my hand with your tenderness, O Fate
And craft it to construct thousands of strings
١. حنانك خُذ بِيَدي يا قَدر
وَصنها تَصن مِن هِزار وَتر
2. Go gently if you wish with it in the wilderness or settlement
And adorn it with the flowers of spring
٢. وَمَهلك سر يُمنة إِن أَرَد
ت بِها في المَفاوز أَو في الحَضر
3. Hug with it the pines of trees
And play with it as you wish with the stars
٣. وَطوق بِها زَهرات الرَبيع
وَعانق بِها سروات الشجر
4. Caress with it as you wish the moon
And I have guaranteed five like palms
٤. وَعابث يها كَيف شئت النُجوم
وَداعب بِها كَيف شئت القَمَر
5. With no fingers making ten
So the whispers of the breeze fell upon them
٥. وَقَد ضمنت خمسة كَالأَكُف
وَلَيسَ بِها مِن بِنان عَشر
6. And made them return with the rustling of flowers
Bless with it a pen that has never
٦. فَوَقَع عَلَيهُن هَمس النَسيم
وَرَجع بِهُن حَفيف الزَهر
7. Aimed except for the side of truth without gushing forth
And magic did not lure it except to stand
٧. وَبارك بِها قَلَماً ما رَميـ
يـت بِهِ جانب الحَق إِلّا اِنفَجَر
8. With its means that enchanted
Whether you wanted it as a pick for rocks
٨. وَما سمتهُ السحر إِلا اِستَقا
م لَهُ مِن وَسائِلهُ ما سحر
9. Or you wanted it as a harbor for peril
And heavenly bounty that does not fade
٩. فَما شئته معولاً لِلصُخور
وَما شئته موئلا للخَطر
10. And my flowing blood's harbour and imagery formed
A place for the most virtuous morals that are coveted
١٠. وَنَعمى سَماوية لا تَغيض
وَمَأوى دَمي وَمَجالي صُور
11. And what is loved and hoarded
So You who created passion and beauty
١١. وَمَلقى كَرائم ما يُستَطاب
وَما يَستَحب وَما يَدَخر
12. And portrayed this elegant gazelle
Take my hand with your tenderness in life
١٢. فَيا مَن خَلَقت الهَوى وَالجَمال
وَصَوَرت هَذا اليَراع الأَغر
13. And portray with it what Fate desires
١٣. حَنانك خُذ بِيَدي في الحَياة
وَصَور بِها ما يَشاء القَدر