
Your wealth is no treasure or property to me,

ما بي ثراؤك من ذخر ولا مال

1. Your wealth is no treasure or property to me,
So keep your worldly goods - my hopes are all I need.

١. ما بِي ثَراؤك مِن ذَخر وَلا مال
فَاِستَبق دُنياك حَسبي كنز آمالي

2. I have no misery, no joy in bounty or state -
In my heart is neither pride of riches nor plight.

٢. ما بِي شَقيت وَما بي إِن نَعمت وَما
بِالقَلب زَهو الغِنى أَو رِقَة الحال

3. My world that is part of the wider world
Is richer than soil, higher than wealth's height.

٣. دُنياي وَهِيَ مِن الدُنيا عَلى نَفس
أَثرى مِن التبر أَو أَسمى مِن المال

4. I gave people their worldly desires from it -
It has for me no bounty or fortune bright.

٤. وَهَبت لِلناس مِن دُنيا مَطامعهم
ما عِندَها لي مِن نعمى وَاِقبال

5. So let them leave my dreams that I have spun,
My state of distress, if it does not delight.

٥. فَليَترُكوا لي أَحلامي وَما نَسجت
حَولي مِن الضَنك إِن لَم يَرضِهم حالي

6. I gave them my pleasures and went silent -
Not fed on delicacies nor broke fast overnight.

٦. وَهَبتهم مِن لَذذاتي وَصَمت فَلَم
أُطعم لِذيذاً وَلَم أُفطر عَلى حال

7. I sang no riches, wanted no more, no less -
My world in its plenty and dearth kept me right.

٧. وَلا غَنيت وَما أَبغي وَلا رَغبت
دُنياي في وَفرة مِنها وِإِقلال

8. I lived blessed in my nothingness, pleased that
I was lightened of my burdens and their weight.

٨. وَعَشت أَنعَم في عَدمي وَيُسعدني
إِني تَخففت مِن إِصري وَأَثقالي

9. I never probed the essence of those people,
To me they are neither kith nor kin outright.

٩. أُولئك الناس لَم أَطرق حَقائقهم
فَما لَهُم بي لا أَهلي وَلا آلي

10. I shunned the vanity of my days, and it rendered
Me aloof from the guiles that visibility excites.

١٠. جانَبت باطل أَيامي وَزهّدني
فيها خَوادع ما يَطفو مِن الآل