
Spring came with its flowers

حي الربيع بزهره

1. Spring came with its flowers
And told us of the creation of the Beloved

١. حي الربيع بزهره
فحكى لنا خلق الحبيب

2. In its text it sang to us
News of the sweet nightingale Beloved

٢. وبنصه غنى لنا
خبر الحبيب العندليب

3. And the morning began like His face
Shining beautifully wondrously

٣. وبدا الصباح كوجهه
اللماع بالحسن العجيب

4. And the wine circulated in His mention
A spirit not the raisins' wine

٤. والخمر دار بذكره
روحاً وما خمر الزبيب

5. And its caller called to the hearts
And they all stood up responding

٥. ودعا مناديه القلو
ب وكلها قامت تجيب

6. A voice came to them from a
Place of great awe

٦. صوتٌ أتاها من مكا
نٍ لذلك الرحب المهيب

7. Majesty has cast a tent
Between the caravans and the hill

٧. ضرب الجلال سرادقاً
بين القوافل والكثيب

8. There arose the clamor of
People proclaiming with weeping

٨. فعلت هنالك ضجة ال
أقوام تعلن بالنحيب

9. Beauty ascended from majesty
Hurting in strange embroidery

٩. طالع الجمال من الجلا
ل يلوع في طرزٍ غريب

10. It scattered the subtleties of His grace
And the light flows never setting

١٠. نثرت طرائف لطفه
والنور بادٍ لا يغيب

11. So the loved ones crowded and
Melted, sad and burning with grief

١١. فتزاحم الأحباب ول
هانٌ ومولوعٌ كئيب

12. Each whispering his love
Like the sick with the doctor

١٢. كلٌّ يناجي حبه
شبه السقيم مع الطبيب

13. They flew to Him with devotion
And whoever came to Him is not deprived

١٣. طاروا له بالإجتها
د ومن أتاه لا يخيب

14. And they drew near to the extent of their resolve
And for every striver there is a share

١٤. ودنوا بنسبة عزمهم
ولكل مجتهندٍ نصيب