
Display the will of the noble East's righteousness

جرد لبر الشرق همة زائر

1. Display the will of the noble East's righteousness
And pour out its determination with the speed of a bird

١. جَرِّدْ لِبرِّ الشَّرقِ هِمَّةَ زائِرِ
وافْرِغْ عَزيمَتَها بِسُرعَةِ طائِرِ

2. And if you see the porch of Umm Ubaidah's abode
Shining like a sun in the darkness of nights

٢. وإذا رَأيتَ رُواقَ أمِّ عَبيدَةٍ
يُجْلى كَشَمْسٍ في ظَلامِ دَياجِرِ

3. Kiss the soil of those places with reverence
And say, "Peace be upon the pure noble one."

٣. فالثِمْ ثَرى تِلكَ البِقاعِ تأدُّباً
وقُلِ السَّلامُ على الشَّريفِ الطَّاهِرِ

4. The sheikh of the path, the masterful lion who
Surpassed men in essence and appearance

٤. شَيخِ الطَّريقِ السَّيِّدِ الأسَدِ الَّذي
سَبَقَ الرِّجالَ بِباطنٍ وبِظاهِرِ

5. My master Ahmad, the greatest of spiritual poles
Who nurtures goodness with branches and roots

٥. مَولايَ أحمدُ أوْحَدُ الأقطابِ من
يُنْمي الخيرَ ذَوائِبٍ وعَناصِرِ

6. Beloved of Haydar, beloved of Muhammad
The lion of glories, of splendid pride

٦. مَحْبوبُ حَيْدَرَةٍ حَبيبِ مُحَمَّدٍ
أسَدِ المَعامِع ذي الفَخارِ الباهِرِ

7. Sultan of the unique masters, protector of their sanctuary
Sheltering it, though old, from any harm

٧. سُلْطانُ أفرادِ الأساتذةِ الأُلى
حامي حِماهُمْ كابِراً عن كابِرِ

8. A rescue for whom their masters saddled to his stirrups
Between the coming and going of their armies

٨. غَوْثٌ مَشَتْ ساداتُهُمْ بِركابِه
ما بينَ وارِدِ جَيشِهِمْ والصَّادِرِ

9. To him, they pledged a trusted oath
Circulating among those present and absent from his party

٩. ولهُ عَلَيهمْ بَيْعَةٌ مَوْثوقَةٌ
دارَتْ بِغائبِ حِزبهِمْ والحاضِرِ

10. The mountain of perfection, kisser of the hand
From which his fingers overflowed with a roaring sea

١٠. جَبَلُ الكَمالِ مقبِّلُ اليَدِّ التي
فاضَتْ أنامِلُها بِبحرٍ زاخِرِ

11. The gnostic, the formidable, the cub of the clan
Resolute in will, generous at heart

١١. العارِفُ الجَحْجاحُ شِبْلُ ذوي العَبا
خَطِرُ العَزيمةِ ذو الفُؤادِ العامِرِ

12. The eye of the Chosen One gazed at him attentively
So he transcended, despite every stubborn denier

١٢. لَحِظَتْهُ عينُ المُرتَضى بِعنايَةِ
فَسَما بها رَغْماً لِكلِّ مُكابرِ

13. We have wrapped ourselves in the train of his cloak
Victorious aid from the Almighty is our ally

١٣. وقد انْطَوَيْنا ضمنَ ذَيْلِ جَنابِهِ
فَلنا من الكَرَّارِ غارَةُ ناصِرِ

14. Through them is the means to the Messenger and Fatima
On the momentous final day

١٤. بِهِما الوَسيلةُ للرَّسولِ وفاطِمٍ
في اليومِ واليومِ الخَطيرِ الآخرِ

15. To them, the lover's greeting from me
As long as an ode flows from a poet's pen

١٥. وعَلَيهما مِنِّي تَحيةُ عاشقٍ
ما طابَ في حَدْوِ قَصيدَةُ شاعِرِ