
Tell the graceful gazelles grazing the meadows

قل لغزلان بقيعان النقا

1. Tell the graceful gazelles grazing the meadows,
"Take pity and rest your weary wanderings."

١. قلْ لغزلانٍ بِقِيعانِ النَّقا
أَجْهَدوا السَّيْرَ وعزَّ المُلْتَقى

2. My heart is still wounded since you left me
So have mercy and heal my sleepless nights.

٢. يا ظِباءَ الحَيِّ قد طال بِكُمْ
وجدُ قلبي فارْحَموا لي الأَرَقَا

3. Your absence troubles me, by my life,
How can I find peace so anxious inside?

٣. أَقلقَ البُعْدُ لَعَمْرِي ساكِني
كيفَ يُلفي راحَةً من قَلِقا

4. My thoughts were scattered by playful gazelles
As one suddenly bounded away.

٤. خاطِري شَتَّتْ به أَيدي سَبَا
لفتاةٍ منكُمُ فانْطَلَقَا

5. I'm bound by the fetters of love and desire
I who once dwelled free of such chains.

٥. وقُيودِ الحُبِّ في دِينِ الهَوَى
والَّذي يوماً بحِبٍّ عَلِقا

6. My eyes are sick from crying themselves dry
As the long night stretches with no end in sight.

٦. ليَ جَفْنٌ من دَواهي هَجْرِكُمْ
طولَ ليلي بالكَرَى ما انْطَبَقَا

7. I pity the lovelorn fool who vainly hopes
Each drink will quench his raging inner fire.

٧. رَحْمَتاهُ لِوَلوهٍ كُلَّما
شربَ الماءَ وُلوعاً شَرِقَا

8. My wishful dreams continually promise
Your return though I know they always lie.

٨. وعَذولي لم يزلْ يَروي بِكُمْ
كَذِباً يا ليتَ يوماً صَدَقَا

9. How strange to have wet eyes that never tire
And a heart your coolness has set aflame!

٩. عَجَباً من جَفْنِ عينٍ ماطِرٍ
وفُؤادٍ من جَفاكُمْ حُرِقَا

10. When our poet sang your praises, his words
Were drowned by the tears that flowed uncontained.

١٠. كلَّما فاهَ بِكُمْ مُنْشِدُنا
دمعُ عَيْني النُّطْقَ منهُ سَبَقَا

11. If my passion should shred me to pieces,
My feet would not stray from the path to your lane.

١١. لو تقَطَّعْتُ بوجدي إِرَباً
قَدَمي عن نهجِكُمْ ما زَلَقَا

12. If my arms were severed by a sword,
My hands would still knock at your door just the same.

١٢. وذِراعي لو بسيفٍ قُطِعَتْ
كَفُّها بابَ السِّوى ما طَرَقَا

13. The morning breeze carried your sweet scent
As you passed by, and left us all charmed.

١٣. بنَسيمِ الصُّبْحِ وافى نشرُكُمْ
فشَمَمْنا من شَذاهُ عَبَقَا

14. By your beauty, the dark vale of night itself
Was cleft open to reveal the glorious day.

١٤. ولَعَمْرِي إنَّ غَلْغالَ الدُّجى
بسَناكُمْ للوُجودِ انْفَلَقَا

15. Look kindly on one who is sick with desire,
Who has climbed to love's end without fears.

١٥. نظرَةً للوالِهِ العاني الَّذي
غايَةَ السُّلَّمِ في الحُبِّ ارْتَقى

16. Forgive him, for he was created by God
To burn with devotion that nothing can tame.

١٦. واعْذُروهُ كَرَماً في حُبِّكُمْ
هكذا في عِلْمِ ربِّي خُلِقا

17. Grace him gently, let no harshness show.
Draw near and console him, gazelles of the glade!

١٧. واتْرُكوا لُطْفاً نِفاراً ساءهُ
وصِلوهُ يا ظُبيَّاتِ النَّقا