
O men of dignity, where is your zeal?

يا رجال الغيب أين الهمم

1. O men of dignity, where is your zeal?
And where are your noble deeds and virtues?

١. يا رجالَ الغيبِ أينَ الهمَمُ
وأَياديكُمْ وأينَ الشِّيَمُ

2. Rouse your determination and be zealous,
For we urgently need your help,

٢. حرِّكوا العزمَ وثُوروا غَيْرَةً
فلَنا منكم لَعَمْري رَحِمُ

3. Raise your flags for our deliverance,
Each one of you, O people, is an emblem.

٣. وانْشُروا أَعلامكُمْ عن نجدَةٍ
كلُّكم يا قومُ فردٌ عَلَمُ

4. O men of God, O people of resolve,
Look at us - here are our tears of blood.

٤. يا رِجالَ اللهِ يا أَهلَ الوَحا
لاحِظونا ها هو الدَّمعُ دَمُ

5. Replace our hardship with ease,
For your generosity and nobility can flourish.

٥. بدِّلوا العُسْرَ بيسرٍ أَبيضٍ
فلكم يُنْمى السَّخا والكرَمُ

6. O household of the Chosen One, from Hashim,
It is through you we stand tall in the wild.

٦. يالَ بيتِ المُصْطَفى من هاشِمٍ
عنه أَنتمْ في البَرايا قُوَّمُ

7. Hardship has befallen us, so stand up for us openly,
And help and be generous and bestow your bounty.

٧. مسَّنا الكربُ فقُوموا علَناً
وأَغيثونا وجُودوا وأنْعِموا

8. Strike down the enemy with a fatal arrow -
How oft has your support revived our affairs!

٨. واضْرِبوا الخصمَ بسهمٍ قاتِلٍ
كم وكم ثارَتْ شُؤونٌ منكُمُ

9. O pillars of sanctuary, O my masters,
May God be pleased with you.

٩. يا أَساطينَ الحِمى يا سَادَتي
رضِيَ الله تعالى عنكُمُ