
We kept an ancient covenant embroidered

حفظنا له عهدا قديما مطرزا

1. We kept an ancient covenant embroidered
upon the heart, the heart passes away but the covenant does not

١. حَفِظْنا له عهداً قَديماً مُطَرَّزاً
على القلبِ يَفْنى القلبُ والعهدُ لا يَفْنى

2. We were absent from all high and low lands because of you
And we protected your love in our conscience and did not confess

٢. وغِبْنا بكُمْ عن كلِّ عالٍ وخامِلٍ
وصُنَّا هواكُمْ في الضَّميرِ وما بُحْنا

3. We have from you help with proximity just as
you have a soul enamored with you from us

٣. لنا منكُمُ الإِسْعافُ بالقُرْبِ مِثلَما
لَكُمْ مُهْجَةٌ مشْغوفَةٌ بكُمُ مِنَّا

4. You folded in the kernel of the heart the signs of your love
And taught it in passion, yearning and moaning

٤. طَوَيْتُمْ بلُبِّ القلبِ آياتِ حُبِّكُمْ
وعلَّمْتُموهُ في الهَوَى الحَنَّ والأَنَّا

5. If it moaned for a while out of yearning for your nearness
And if it longed for a while for reunion with you, we longed

٥. فإنْ أَنَّ آناً أَنَّ وجداً لقُرْبِكُمْ
وإنْ حَنَّ حِيناً للوُصولِ لَكُمْ حَنَّا

6. We blamed fate for what it has done
And how it has veiled the moons of your rising from us

٦. عَتَبْنا على الدَّهْرِ المُشِتِّ بفعلِهِ
وكيفَ زوَى أَقْمارَ طَلْعَتِكُمْ عَنَّا

7. If only it would one day soften for our condition
And reunite us so we can go back to how we were

٧. فيا لَيْتَهُ يوماً يَرِقُّ لحالِنا
ويجْمَعُنا حتَّى نَعودُ كَما كُنَّا