1. My God, with the light of Your Essence from the highest Eternity
With a holy presence within which lies the presence of the Highest Names
١. إِلهي بنُورِ الذَّاتِ في القِدَمِ الأَسْمَى
بحضرَةِ قدسٍ ضمنَها حضرَةُ الأَسْمَا
2. With the secret of a Book You have spread out in its wrapping
As guidance for the rightly-guided, a secret and wise lesson
٢. بسِرِّ كتابٍ قد نشَرْتَ بطَيِّهِ
لأَهلِ الهُدى سِرًّا وأَفهمْتَهُمْ حُكْمَا
3. With a state infused in hearts that You have sown
So they sprout with the light of Your Greatest Wisdom
٣. بأُسْلوبِ حالٍ في القُلُوبِ بثَثْتَهُ
فأَتْرَعْتَها من نورِ حِكمتِكَ العُظْمَى
4. With hearts that have flown to You in their truthfulness
Without clinging to any but You or loving any but Your Names
٤. بأَفئدَةٍ طارتْ إليكَ بصِدقِها
وما عَلِقَتْ سَلْمَى ولا عَشِقَتْ أَسْمَا
5. With the resolve of a people whose throngs have competed
At Your Lofty Door, distancing every obstacle
٥. بهمَّةِ أَقوامٍ تَزاحَمَ عومُها
على بابِكَ العالي وأَبعَدَتِ المَرْمَى
6. With the moans at night of men who have torn apart the darkness
For Your sake, O my Master, and whose hair has whitened in yearning for You
٦. بمَدِّ أَنينٍ من رِجالٍ بلَيْلهِمْ
لأَجلَكَ يا موْلايَ قدْ مزَّقوا العَتْمَا
7. In love for You, the desired aim, they have weakened the strongest
With their devotion as they bow down worshipfully to You
٧. قد اشْتَعَلَتْ شيباً عليكَ رُؤوسُهُمْ
وفي حُبِّكَ المَقْصودِ قد أَوْهَنوا العَظْمَا
8. Bearing no concern for others
With the shedding of tears their eyes have chained
٨. بلهفَتِهِمْ إذْ يَخْشَعونَ تبتُّلاً
إليكَ وللأَغْيارِ ما حَمَلوا هَمَّا
9. Eyes that could not hold back their flowing
With the sincerity of insights illuminated by Your Light
٩. برقْراقِ دمعٍ سلسلَتْهُ عُيونُهُمْ
عُيوناً وما اسْطاعوا لإفْشائِها كَتْمَا
10. Upon which You have marked the pattern of guidance
With the ecstasy of breasts opened through You
١٠. بإِخلاصِ أَلبابٍ بنورِكَ أَشرَقَتْ
جَلَوْتَ عليها من طِرازِ الهُدى رَقْمَا
11. Shining without bearing sadness over base matters
With every cloak laid down before Your Door for the men
١١. بوَجْدِ صُدورٍ فيكَ قدْ شُرِحتْ وقدْ
أَضاءَتْ ولم تحمِلْ لشأنِ السِّوى غَمَّا
12. So they may renew their resolve in intimacy with You
With Your perfectly instilled Qur’ān in the heart of Aḥmad
١٢. بكلِّ بِساطٍ للرِّجالِ فرَشْتَهُ
ببابِكَ حتَّى جدَّدوا في السُّرى العَزْمَا
13. The brightest star of prophets, the choicest of creation in wisdom
In his retreat in the presence of intimacy and pleasure from You
١٣. بقُرْآنِكَ المَفْروغِ في قلبِ أَحمدٍ
نبيِّ الهُدى أزْكى صُنوفِ الوَرَى فَهْمَا
14. In a state through which You constantly increased his knowledge
From what his spirit attained in nearness with You
١٤. بخلوتِهِ في حضرَةِ الأُنسِ والرِّضا
بشأنٍ به قدْ زِدْتَهُ دائِماً عِلْمَا
15. So he became the highest of past prophets and the first guiding star
With his overflowing proof from his place of resolve
١٥. بما شارَفَتْهُ منكَ روحُ جَنابِهِ
فأَصبَحَ أعلى الأَنْبِياءِ الأولى نَجْمَا
16. At the shining station of Light You perfected his determination
With the kindness of a heart You folded within him
١٦. ببُرْهانِهِ الفَيَّاضِ من طَوْرِ عزمِهِ
بمَجْلى مَنارٍ منه أَتمَمْتَهُ حَزْمَا
17. So he stood kindly just as You described him early on
With the power of authority You bestowed upon his state
١٧. برأفَةِ قلبٍ قد طوَيْتَ بذاتِهِ
فقامَ رؤوفاً مثلَما نَعْتُهُ قِدْمَا
18. He stood as the Seal of the Messengers and Prophets
With every prophet who partook through him in his absence
١٨. بقدرَةِ سُلطانٍ أَفَضْتَ لحالِهِ
فقامَ لكلِّ الرُّسْلِ والأَنبِيا خَتْمَا
19. And every saint who tasted his spiritual state
Through my grandfather, Father of the Abbas, the heir to his state
١٩. بكلِّ نبيٍّ نابَ عنهُ بغَيْبِهِ
وكلِّ وليٍّ من عِنايَتِهِ شَمَّا
20. And whoever obtained an arrow marked by his lofty station
Through all my noble ancestors, may God ennoble them
٢٠. بجَدِّي أَبي العَبَّاسِ وارِثِ حالِهِ
ومن نالَ سهماً عزَّ من طَوْرِهِ سَهْمَا
21. And whoever is ennobled and nurtured through them
Save his follower in Your mercy out of Your bounty
٢١. بأَسْلافِنا الغُرِّ الكِرامِ جميعِهِمْ
ومن لهُمُ يُعزى ومن لهُمُ يُنْمَى
22. And grant us patience and rectify our resolve
Empower the swords of might uniquely through You
٢٢. تَدارَكَ بفضلٍ منكَ رَبَّاهُ رَحمَةً
وأَفرِغْ علينا الصَّبْرَ واصْلِحْ لنا العَزْمَا
23. Against a people who have wronged us, my Master, unjustly
Seize them forcefully, sever their ropes
٢٣. ومكِّنْ سُيوفَ البطشِ منكَ تفرُّداً
بقومٍ عَلينا قدْ بَغَوْا سيِّدي ظُلْمَا
24. Shoot them with arrows of inescapable destiny
We raise our state to You, O Raiser of the Lofty Ranks
٢٤. وخُذْهُمْ بقبضِ القهرِ واقْطَعْ حِبالَهُمْ
وجَلْجِلْ عليهِمْ من وَتيرِ القَضا سَهْمَا
25. Confessing our failing if You see any
Purify the expanse of our hearts from all filth
٢٥. رفعْنا إليكَ الحالَ يا رافِعَ العُلى
وجِئْنا بنقصٍ إنْ نظَرْتَ له تَمَّا
26. With the light of divine self-disclosure, remove our worries and grief
٢٦. فطهِّرْ من الأَدْناسِ رُحْبَ قُلوبِنا
بنورِ التَّجلِّي واكْشِفِ الهمَّ والغَمَّا