
Our stance is for Allah at Umm Ubaydah

لله موقفنا بأم عبيدة

1. Our stance is for Allah at Umm Ubaydah
And the night blossoms with Ahmadi beauty

١. لله موقِفُنا بأُمِّ عَبيدَةٍ
واللَّيلُ يزهرُ بالجَمالِ الأَحمدي

2. Where passions and love heal it
Between murmuring here and frothing

٢. حيثُ الجَنائِبُ والغَرامُ يشُفُّها
ما بينَ رَغَّاءٍ هناك ومُزْبِدِ

3. It knocked on yards below his dome gloriously
Its soil sanctifies the protector of the volunteer

٣. طرَقَتْ رِحاباً دون قُبَّتِهِ السُّها
شرفاً وتُرْبُ حِماهُ تِبرُ المُجْتَدي

4. Refuge of the destitute and haven of breezes nay
Sanctum of the righteous and Kaaba of the guided

٤. مأوى العُفاةِ ومهبَطُ النَّفَحاتِ بل
حَرَمُ الهُداةِ وكعبَةُ المُسْتَرْشِدِ

5. The Imam Abu Al-Urayj's house summoned
Eager for the Sultan of the path Ahmad

٥. دارُ الإِمامِ أَبو العُرَيْجا نُدبةِ ال
لَهْفانِ سُلطانِ الطَّريقَةِ أَحمدِ

6. The sun of the constellations of guidance is the sphere of truth
The Master son of the Master son of the Master

٦. فلك الحَقيقَةِ شمسُ أَبراجِ الهُدى
السَّيِّدُ ابنُ السَّيِّدِ ابنِ السَّيِّدِ

7. The sign of men, the Imam of the people of the present in me
Overflowing benevolence and bond of the savior

٧. عَلَمُ الرِّجالِ إِمامُ أَهْلِ الحالِ فيَّ
اضُ النَّوالِ وعُروَةُ المستَنْجِدِ

8. My provision, Abu Al-Alamayn Shibl, endowed with glory
Sword of the blazing inspiration, Lord of the hand

٨. ذُخري أَبو العَلَمَيْنِ شِبلُ ذوي الكِسا
صَمْصامُ ثائرَةِ الوَحا رَبُّ اليَدِ

9. The intimate honor, the heir
Of the magnificent morals, drawn near to the outcast

٩. المُعْرِقُ الشَّرَفِ الصَّميمِ الوارِثُ ال
خُلُقِ العَظيمِ مقَرِّبُ المُسْتَبْعِدِ

10. My Master the cry of a mourner rose in him
His passions and he did not sit from desire

١٠. مولايَ صيحَةَ نادِبٍ قامت به
أَشواقُهُ وعنِ الهَوَى لم يقعُدِ

11. So pity him with an availing drive
Incessantly to undo the knotted

١١. فاحْنُنْ عليه بهمَّةٍ فعَّالَةٍ
مُعْتَدَّةٍ أَبداً لحلِّ المُعْقَدِ

12. And have mercy on Abu Al-Abbas through his sonship
To you it ended to my father Al-Batool Muhammad

١٢. وارْحَمْ أبا العبَّاسِ منه بُنُوَّةً
منك انتهتْ لأبي البَتولِ محمَّدِ

13. Allah prayed over him and the meadow shone more
With its flowers of pearls and chrysolite

١٣. صلَّى عليه اللهُ والرَّوضُ ازْدَهى
من زهرِهِ بلآلئٍ وزَبَرْجَدِ

14. And the Family and the masters of strongholds Companions
Of bowing heads glorified prostrated

١٤. والآلِ والأَصحابِ ساداتِ الحِمى
والرُّكَّعِ الغُرِّ الجِباهِ السُّجَّدِ

15. Not orchestrating your praise ceases
The Guardian Mehdi and the people of truths are guided

١٥. ما الوالِهُ المَهْديُّ نظَّم مدحَكُمْ
ومضتْ به أَهْلُ الحَقائِقِ تهتَدي