
Are there tidings from the stars when their aspect changes

أمن النجوم إذا تحول سجفها

1. Are there tidings from the stars when their aspect changes,
Or is that a mystery descending?

١. أمِنَ النُّجومِ إذا تَحَوَّلَ سَجْفُها
خَبَرٌ أتى أمْ ذاكَ سِرٌّ هابِطُ

2. We are not a people who by our understandings
Fathom what is not from the Omnipotent Controller.

٢. لا نحنُ قومٌ عندنا بِفُهومِنا
ما كانَ من غيرِ المُهَيْمِنِ ساقِطُ

3. A people have said the stars have positions,
And the text in this is a binding authority.

٣. قد قالَ قومٌ للنُّجومِ مَواقعٌ
والنَّصُّ في هذا عِصامٌ ضابطُ

4. Those positions are a method in their reality,
And they have from the concealed mystery a linking.

٤. تلكَ المَواقعُ واقِعٌ أسلوبُها
ولها من السِّرِّ المُطَلْسَمِ رابِطُ

5. The Command established them in their positions, so whoever
Is ignorant of the Determiner of Truth, he is the straying.

٥. الأمرُ وَقَّعَها بِمَوْقِعِها فَمَنْ
جَهِلَ المُقيمَ الحَقَّ فهوَ الغالطُ

6. The star gleams and the astrologer is deluded,
And the sand is scattered and the sand-divider is lacking.

٦. النَّجْمُ يَلْمَعُ والمُنَجِّمُ خابطٌ
والرَّملُ يُنْثَرُ والمُرَمِّلُ ناقِطُ

7. And the swimmer of the decrees does its judgment,
While the brother of illusion without knowledge is confused.

٧. وسَوابِحُ الأقْدارِ تَفْعَلُ حُكْمَها
وأخو الحِجابِ بِغيرِ علمٍ خابِطُ

8. Grasping and releasing - all of them are His actions;
He grasps, Glory be to Him! He releases!

٨. قَبْضٌ وبَسْطٌ كُلُّها أفْعالُهُ
هو قابضٌ سُبْحانَهُ هو باسطُ