
Our journey strayed though we did not intend

ألا يا بني الدنيا رأيتم شؤننا

1. Our journey strayed though we did not intend
And Muhammad, guide and messenger, led the way

١. أَلا يا بَني الدُّنيا رأَيتُمْ شُؤُنَنا
فهاجَ بكُمْ منها مقامٌ مؤيَّدُ

2. Pause at this, our affair which passed you by
Seeing the state that life has led us to

٢. قِفوا عندكُمْ سِرْنا إِلى غيرِ قصدِكُمْ
وسارَ بنا الهادي الرَّسولُ محمَّدُ