1. The people of the veil, their eyes are veiled
Along with their clothes, in situation and customs
١. أَهلُ الحِجابِ مع الثِّيابِ عُيونُهُمْ
محجوبَةٌ في الحالِ والعاداتِ
2. The saint walks among them
In their Syria, as if he were in Bahrayn
٢. يمشي الوَلِيُّ أَبو المَعارِجِ بينَهُمْ
في شامِهِمْ وكأنَّه بَهَراةِ
3. They watch his rising and sitting
Critically, in all situations
٣. يترصَّدونَ قيامَهُ وقُعودَهُ
بالانْتِقادِ بسائِرِ الحالاتِ
4. If he is happy, they accused him of levity
Or if he was sad, then because of illness
٤. إن كانَ مُنْبَسِطاً رَموهُ بخِفَّةٍ
أَو كانَ منقبِضاً ففي علاَّتِ
5. Or if he was secluded, then because of his neglect
Or if he was famous, then because of his slip
٥. أَو كانَ منحَجِباً ففي إهْمالِهِ
أَو كانَ مُشْتَهِراً فبالزَّلاَّتِ
6. Or if he was a writer, invalidating his texts
Or if he was illiterate, because of his deficient talents
٦. أَو كانَ نِحْريراً بنقْضِ نُصوصِهِ
أَو كانَ أُمِّيًّا بسوءِ هَنَاتِ
7. Blindness and deafness has intensified their state
And diverted them from the path of the light of the essence
٧. عُمْيٌ بهم صَمَمٌ تَكاثَفَ حالُهُمْ
فأَمالَهُمْ عن نهْجِ نورِ الذَّاتِ
8. If they had realized the disposal and gift
Which curtains of caves have been lowered over
٨. لو أَدرَكوا التَّصريفَ والوَهْبَ الَّذي
سُدلَتْ عليه سَتائِرُ الغاراتِ
9. They would have been disciplined before the saint and restricted
Their movements and stillnesses to his sanctuaries
٩. لتأَدَّبوا عندَ الوَلِيِّ وقَيَّدوا
برِحابِهِ الحَرَكاتِ والسَّكَنَاتِ
10. The sun in the domes of the heights is a planet
And its rays elucidate the atoms
١٠. الشَّمسُ في قُبَبِ المَعالي كوكبٌ
وشُعاعُهُ يُجْلى على الذَّرَّاتِ
11. And the water is scattered by the clouds with a gentle breath
From the presence of the most high
١١. والماءُ ينشُرُهُ السَّحابُ بنَسْمَةٍ
هفْهافَةٍ من حضرَةْ الحَضَرَاتِ
12. It then passes through the valleys, improving their condition
And providing benefits to all plants
١٢. فيمُرُّ بالقِيعانِ يُصلِحُ شأنَها
ويمُدُّ فائدَةً بكلِّ نباتِ
13. And the wind stirs the people, fluttering,
Blowing to revive all the breezes
١٣. والرِّيحُ يحْفَلُ بالأَنامِ مُرَفْرِفاً
هبًّا ليُحْيي سائِرَ النَّسَماتِ
14. And for everything in existence there is a truth
Containing the hidden secret with hints
١٤. ولكلِّ شيءٍ في الوُجودِ حقيقَةٌ
ضَمِنَتْ خفِيَّ السِّرِّ بالطَّيَّاتِ
15. He has deposited his command in it, transcendent
Whether it be negation or affirmation
١٥. هو مُودِعٌ فيها تَعالى أَمرَهُ
عن حُكْمِ نَفْيٍ كانَ أَو إثْباتِ
16. He has disposed all affairs, and the disposal is his
Encoded in the talisman of instruments
١٦. أَجرى الشُؤُنَ فكلَّها تقديرُهُ
مَرْموزَةً في طَلسَمِ الآلاتِ
17. In it there are inherent properties for all of them
Deposited in those very verses
١٧. فيها خَواصٌ قائمٌ مع كلِّها
مستودَعٌ في تلكُمُ الآياتِ
18. Oh you ignorant of the secret of the unseen, falling
From understanding the ascent of these steps
١٨. يا جاهِلاً سِرَّ الغُيوبِ وساقِطاً
عن فهمِ مَرْقى هذه الدَّرَجاتِ
19. Water springs from the crevice of a boulder
Flowing, and the boulder is not receptive
١٩. الماءُ ينبَعُ من لَفيفَةِ صخرَةٍ
مجدولَةٍ والصَّخرُ غيرُ مُواتي
20. And fire blazes in a green thicket
The disposer of the affairs and creator of entities
٢٠. والنَّارُ تلهَبُ في جَديلٍ أَخضرٍ
قلبَ الشُؤُنِ مُقَدِّرُ النَّشْآتِ
21. This is the articulation, when its expression is cast
And its brother, taciturn in words
٢١. هذا نَطوقٌ حين يُسبَكُ لفظُهُ
وأَخوهُ ذو لَكَنٍ مع الكَلِماتِ
22. And there a trembling coward, afraid
While his father assaults lions in the forests
٢٢. وهناك مُرتعِشٌ جَبانٌ خائفٌ
وأَبوهُ يُردي الأُسدَ في الغَاباتِ
23. And a miserly nature, stingy in his livelihood
While his uncle is generous with gifts
٢٣. وبَخيلُ طبعٍ مُمسِكٌ في عيشِهِ
ولعمِّهِ الإِبْذالُ للبَدَراتِ
24. That residence has always been its cycle
The nature of attributes depicting the essence
٢٤. تلك الإِقامَةُ من قَديمِ مَدارِها
طبعُ الصِّفاتِ مُصَوِّرٌ للذَّاتِ
25. And the dispenser of sustenance has perfected our affair
In the universe, of both bond and release
٢٥. ومقسِّمُ الأَرزاقِ أَحكَمَ شأْنَنا
في الكونِ من قيدٍ ومن إفْلاتِ
26. And of wonders, and abundant wonders
A secret I translate with the subtlety of languages
٢٦. ومن العجائبِ والعجائبُ جَمَّةٌ
سِرٌّ أُترجِمُهُ بلُطْفِ لُغاتِ
27. A great elder of my ancestry
Of mighty leadership and blessed gaze
٢٧. شيخٌ عَظيمُ الشَّأْنِ من جُرْثومَتي
صعبُ القِيادِ مبارَكُ النَّظَراتِ
28. The spirit of the Hashimi filled him with care
And the gusts of divine attractions revolved around him
٢٨. ملأَتْهُ روحُ الهاشِمِيِّ عِنايَةً
وطوَتْ به جَلْجالَةَ النَّفَحاتِ
29. Mighty of glories, when his state is interpreted
Vast of prestige, towering in nobility
٢٩. ضخمُ المَناقِبِ إذْ تُفَسَّرُ حالُهُ
رحبُ الحضيرَةِ شامِخُ الشُّرُفاتِ
30. Concealment has clothed him in every majesty
Hidden from sights falling short
٣٠. الكَتْمُ سربَلَهُ بكلِّ جَلالَةٍ
مخفِيَّةٍ عن قاصِرِ اللَّحَظاتِ
31. He left everyone for his Lord, and so folded for Him
Sincerity, and purified his good intentions
٣١. تركَ الجميعَ لربِّهِ فطوَى له
كشْحاً وأَخْلَصَ طيِّبَ النِّيَّاتِ
32. Sitting wearing the coat of dignity status
While he is mere dust in solitudes
٣٢. وعن الوُجودِ البَحْتِ قدَّ عِنانَهُ
ومشى به في أَثقلِ الخَطَواتِ
33. And helping him in collecting all of that
A soul that has abstained from desires
٣٣. مُتباعِداً عن أَهلِهِ مُتَحجِّباً
عنهُمْ بمِرْطِ الطَّوْرِ والعاداتِ
34. He retreats and reveals, remembering and contemplating
And from passions a type of mark upon him
٣٤. إن قالَ أَخلَصَ في العِبارَةِ ظاهِراً
وإذا خَلا فمُرَقْرَقُ العَبَراتِ
35. He spends the dark night with expression and weeping
And weeping praised for dangers
٣٥. مُتَطَيْلِسٌ درعَ الوَقارِ مَكانَةً
وهو التُّرابُ المحضُ في الخَلَواتِ
36. I did not forget the night of Eid ul Fitr and the darkness
Its anklets were raised over the masters
٣٦. وأَعانَهُ في جمعِ ذلك كلٍّهِ
نفسٌ له عَزَفَتْ عن الشَّهَواتِ
37. And I in the Diwan of the unseen have precedence
From above the throne of grace in an ascent
٣٧. يخلو ويَجلو ذاكِراً مُتَفَكِّراً
ومن الشُّجونِ عليه نوعُ سِماتِ
38. And the hand of the chosen Prophet lowered
For me a robe from the most splendid robes
٣٨. يقْضي الدُّجا بعِبارَةٍ وبعبْرَةٍ
وبعِبْرَةٍ ممدوحَةِ الخَطَراتِ
39. So I read its talisman and the secret of its symbol
I read it encoded in forms
٣٩. لم أَنسَ ليلَةَ عيدِ فطرٍ والدُّجا
رُفِعَتْ كَلاكِلُهُ على السَّاداتِ
40. To its owner and wearer of its cloak
The valley of guidance, beautiful Abu Al-Barakat
٤٠. وأَنا بديوانِ الغُيوبِ مُصَدَّرٌ
من فوقِ عرشِ الفضلِ في مِرْقاةِ
41. It danced over him and he swayed in it his cup
A cup more noble than the taverns
٤١. ويدُ النَّبيِّ المُصْطَفى قَدْ أسدَلَتْ
لي خِلْعَةً من أَبهَجِ الخِلْعاتِ
42. So I was astonished at that position and its honor
The subtlety of the court in the dispersed wilderness
٤٢. فقرأتُ طِلْسَمَها وسِرَّ رَقيمِها
قرأيتُها مَرْموزَةَ الشَّكَلاتِ
43. I stared looking at the talismans of its secret
Delving deeply into it to the goals
٤٣. للهِ صاحِبُها ولابِسُ بُرْدَها
وادي الهُدى حَسَنٌ أَبو البَرَكَاتِ
٤٤. رقَّتْ عليه وراقَ فيها كأسُهُ
كأسٌ جَلاهُ أَشرَفُ الحاناتِ
٤٥. فعجِبْتُ من ذاكَ المَقامِ وعزِّهِ
لُطْفُ الحَضارَةِ في شَتاتِ فَلاةِ
٤٦. حدَّقْتُ أَنظُرُ في طَلاسِمِ سِرِّها
متعمِّقاً فيها إلى الغاياتِ