
We have a venerable sheikh in Umm Abida's son

شيخ لنا ثاو بأم عبيدة

1. We have a venerable sheikh in Umm Abida's son
The spirits have settled on his threshold

١. شيخٌ لنا ثاوٍ بأُمِّ عَبيدةٍ
عَكَفتْ على أعْتابِهِ الأرواحُ

2. His praises flow through us as though they are
Goblets of sparkling wine passed around for us

٢. تَجري مَدائحُهُ بنا وكأنَّها
دارتْ مُرَقْرقةً لنا الأقْداحُ

3. Through his determination we see the fire of anguish
As a garden, and joys crush our sorrow

٣. غَوْثٌ بِهمَّتِهِ نرى نارَ الغَضا
رَوضاً ويَمْحَقُ حُزْنَنا الأفراحُ