1. The lightning of Nu'man flashed over the wanderers
So it dispelled from his body all illness
١. بَرقُ نُعمانَ عَلى الهائِمِ طَل
فَنَفَى عَن جِسمِهِ كُلَّ العِلَل
2. And showed him, from the bending places of encampment
A portent through which dread is erased
٢. وأَراهُ مِن ثَنِيَّاتِ اللِّوى
آيَةً جَلَّت بها يُمحى الوَجَل
3. So he wept from gladness, receiving good news
Many a tear falls for joy
٣. فَبَكى عَن فَرَحٍ مُستَبشِراً
رُبَّ دَمعٍ لِسُرورٍ قَد هَطَل
4. And all his yearning flocked together
After he was done with estrangement and weariness
٤. وَتَداعى بِهيام كُلُّهُ
بَعدَ أن مَلَّ مِنَ الهَجرِ وَكَل
5. God Most High made easy the longed-for
And joined the cut and the rope connected
٥. يَسَّرَ اللَهُ تعالى المُرتَجى
وَصَلَ المَقطُوعَ والحَبلُ اتَّصَل
6. And wafted was a breeze of nearness, so
Dread is not feared since the quest is achieved
٦. وَتَوالَت نَسمَةُ القُربِ فَلا
يُختَشَى البَأسُ إِذ القَصدُ حَصَل
7. God created from fear, hope
Thus His signs, Mighty and Exalted
٧. خَلَقَ اللَهُ مِنَ الخَوفِ الرَجا
هَكَذا آياتُهُ عَزَّ وَجَل