
They say a scoundrel has offended an innocent one

يقولون قد آذى لئيم مبرءا

1. They say a scoundrel has offended an innocent one,
And made him drink from his filthy cup a bitter draught.

١. يقولون قد آذى لئيمٌ مبرِّءاً
وجرَّعهُ من لؤمه كأس علقم

2. So we said to them: Iblees irritated Adam,
And Ibn Muljim, the one with two spears, hurt Ali.

٢. فقلنا لهم إبليس أزعج آدماً
وأدمى عليا ذو الصنان ابن ملجم

3. And in any case, the scoundrel is to be condemned,
While the noble one's essence cannot be condemned.

٣. وفي كل حال فالئيم مذمَّمٌ
وشأنث الكريم الذات غير مذمَّم