
A valley, Abu al-Barakat, one day reveals

واد أبو البركات يوما يجتلي

1. A valley, Abu al-Barakat, one day reveals
The cup of appearance in an unmatched form

١. وادٍ أَبو البَرَكاتِ يوماً يجتَلي
كأسَ الظُّهورِ بمظهَرٍ لم يخْرَمِ

2. I see the stars hoard his necklace
In a singular presence without order

٢. إنِّي أَرى الشَّهْباءَ تكنِزُ عِقْدَهُ
في حضرةٍ فرْداً بغيرِ تنَظُّمِ

3. So keep for him the covenant of succession, he is
Among the secrets of existence, the most honorable

٣. فاحْفَظْ له عهدَ الوَلايَةِ إنَّه
برِحابِ سِرِّ الكَوْنِ أيُّ مكرَّمِ

4. Let not his affairs veil you from his state
For the full moon is shrouded in a dark night

٤. لا تَحْجُبَنْكَ شُؤوُنُهُ عن حالِهِ
فالبدرُ يُستَرُ ضمنَ ليلٍ مُعْتِمِ

5. The judgment of time established him in splendor
Majesty bound him with an unbreakable seal

٥. حكمُ الزَّمانِ أقامَهُ في رَوْنَقٍ
عقدَ الجَلالُ عَلَيْهِ عقدَةَ طِلْسَمِ

6. He is among the people of the age, the most perfect confidant
And in the presence of destiny, the most revered

٦. هو بينَ أَهلِ العصرِ أَكتَمُ واصِلٍ
وبحضْرَةِ الإِقْبالِ خيرُ مُعَظَّمِ

7. My son, follow the traces of the breeze of his heart
With humility, and gain his pleasure and profit

٧. أَبُنيَّ خذْ آثارَ نفحَةِ قلبِهِ
بتأَدُّبٍ واكْسَبْ رِضاهُ واغْنَمِ

8. And make him the mediator of affairs, for his rope
To his Lord has no end

٨. واجْعلهُ واسطَةَ الشُّؤُنِ فحبلُهُ
عن رَبِّهِ أَمدَ المَدى لم يُفْصَمِ

9. Whoever gets his prayer in his life
The acceptance will be confirmed on him as an honor

٩. من نالَ منهُ دُعاءهُ بحياتِهِ
نَظَمَ القَبولَ عَلَيْهِ طِرْزَ تكرُّمِ

10. And whoever seeks the light of guidance from his grave
With a sound heart, its refuge will not collapse

١٠. ومن اجْتَلى نورَ الهُدَى من قبرِهِ
بصَحيحِ قلبٍ رُكْنُهُ لم يُهْدَمِ

11. Wondrous is the one spellbound by illusion
The secret is in the spirits, not in the bones

١١. عَجَباً لمَفْتونِ الحِجابِ بوهْمِهِ
السِّرُّ في الأَرْواحِ لا في الأَعظُمِ