
I saw you as a crescent moon lighting up my horizon

أراني هلال الأفق لمعة أنسكم

1. I saw you as a crescent moon lighting up my horizon
So the universe made me forget when you appeared

١. أَراني هِلالَ الأُفقِ لَمْعَةَ أُنسِكُمْ
فأَنسَتْني الأَكوانَ لمَّا تبدَّتِ

2. My soul flew to it and fell for its secret
After the secret my resolve vanished when my determination remained

٢. وطارَتْ لها رُوحي ودُكَّ لسِرِّها
من السِّرِّ طُوري بعدَ فقدِ بقِيَّتي

3. And there appeared to my eyes the meanings of your affairs
Subtleties of traces which were pleasant and settled

٣. ولاحَ لعيني من مَعاني شُؤُنِكُمْ
رَقائقَ آثارٍ فطابَتْ وقرَّتِ

4. So here I am, the bewildered one who was dazed
For whom the universe has been in awe since those suns shone

٤. فها أَنا ذاكَ المُسْتَهامُ الذي زَها
له الكونُ مذ تلكَ الشُّموسُ تجلَّتِ

5. Slow down, dawn of the east, and settle down, for I
Was twisted in heart when you were twisted so remain steadfast

٥. روَيْداً أَبرق الشَّرقِ واسكُنْ فإِنَّني
لُويتُ فُؤاداً حين لُويتَ فاثْبُتِ

6. By the outstanding affairs of the sky
And judgments of revelation that landed in my heart

٦. أمَا والشُؤُنِ البارزاتِ من العَما
وأَحكامِ وحيٍ للفُؤادِ تدلَّتِ

7. When the Najdi lightning bolt flashed, my
Heart flew from yearning to the land of Medina

٧. إذا البارِقُ النَّجدِيُّ لأْلأَ طارَ بي
فُؤادي من الدَّهْنا لأَرضِ المدينَةِ

8. It has in the plains of Hejaz places of watering
Covered from the universe by the truthfulness of privacy

٨. له في مَفازاتِ الحِجازِ مَآرِبٌ
طَواها عن الأَكوانِ صدقُ الطَّوِيَّةِ

9. It tasks my patience with tranquility though
It has surrounded me while it has carried all my worries

٩. يُكلِّفُني صبري سُكوناً وإِنَّها
به قد أَحاطَتْ وهو قد كَلَّ لوعَتي

10. So it takes me with gestures of love from those
For whom the justification of secrets was from the caravan of my concerns

١٠. فتأخُذُني منِّي إِشاراتُ حُبِّ من
لهم حجَّتِ الأَسرارُ من رَكْبِ هِمَّتي

11. And it returns me from everything other than passion
So my patience goes when my return is steadfast

١١. وتُرجِعُني عن كلِّ شيءٍ سوى الهَوَى
فيذهَبُ صبري حين تثبُتُ رَجْعَتي

12. O beloveds of my heart, and love has not ceased
To realize my hopes in you, O beloveds

١٢. أَحبَّةَ قلبي والمَحَبَّةُ لم تزَلْ
تُحَقِّقُ آمالي بكم يا أَحبَّتي

13. By the sanctity of affection whose secret is a secret in the soul
And types of passion for you that landed in me

١٣. بحرمَةِ وُدٍّ سُرَّ في الرُّوحِ سِرُّهُ
وأَنواعِ وجدٍ فيكُمُ فيَّ حَلَّتِ

14. And by the burning affection from me and by the cold of what
You have spread for us of that gentle care

١٤. وبالمهجَةِ الحرَّاءِ منِّي وبردِ ما
نشرتُمْ لنا من طِيبِ ذاكَ التَّلَفُّتِ

15. Establish for us the weight of passion with kindness
When the men of love are judged among you

١٥. أَقيموا لنا وزنَ الغَرامِ برأْفَةٍ
إذا حوسِبَتْ فيكم رِجالُ المحبَّةِ

16. And do not cut off from us the ropes of your affection
For the death of your lovers is in mentioning separation

١٦. ولا تقطَعوا عنَّا حِبالَ حَنانِكُمْ
فموتُ مُحِبِّيكُمْ بذكرِ القطيعَةِ

17. And favor us with care, we
Are weak, oh the strong occurrences

١٧. ومُنُّوا علينا بالعِنايَةِ إِنَّنا
ضِعافٌ فيَا للوارِداتِ القَوِيَّةِ

18. And a holiday and a promise, have mercy on us and treat
Affectionately and kindly between these two

١٨. وعيدٌ ووَعْدٌ فارْحَمونا وعامِلوا
حَناناً ومَنًّا بين هذينِ بالَّتِي