1. I was predestined in pre-eternity for what took place,
The servant of the All-Sustaining, the sheikh of the heroic community.
١. كُتِبْتُ غيباً على ما قامَ في الأَزَلِ
عبدَ الرِّفاعِيِّ شيخِ الأُمَّةِ البَطَلِ
2. The solution for the masters, the core of the religion, their master,
The treasure of truths, the sea of knowledge and deed.
٢. فَحْلُ الشُّيوخِ صُدورِ الدِّينِ سيِّدُهُمْ
كَنْزُ الحَقائِقِ بحرُ العلمِ والعَمَلِ
3. A young man who set up the banner of glory, so his state of guidance was systematized
Among the sects, the renewer, the guide.
٣. فتًى أَقامَ شِراعَ المجدِ فانْتَظَمَتْ
لمجدِدِهِ دَوْلَةُ الإِرْشادِ في المِلَلِ
4. As if atop the pulpit of rhetoric in the breast of circles -
Our master the imam Ali.
٤. كأنَّهُ فوقَ كُرسِيِّ الخِطابَةِ في
صَدْرِ المَحافِلِ موْلانا الإِمامُ عَلي
5. He emulated in his sublime conduct and creed
The emulation of the Messenger and the early masters.
٥. حَذا بسيرَتِهِ العَليا ومذْهَبِهِ
حَذْوَ الرَّسولِ وحَذْوَ السَّادَةِ الأُوَلِ
6. From a Household who in every corner have a hidden, occult affair
And a clear, brilliant matter.
٦. من أَهْلِ بيتٍ لَهُمْ في كلِّ زاوِيَةٍ
سِرٌّ خَفِيٌّ وشأْنٌ كالصَّباحِ جَلي
7. Veiled from the lions of God, with continual aid,
Whose disposal in the universe did not cease.
٧. مُحَجَّبٌ من أُسودِ اللهِ ذو مَدَدٍ
سارٍ تصرُّفُهُ في الكَوْنِ لم يَزُلِ
8. And the sheikh of a noble path in his travels
Clung to the Hashimi way of purity, did not violate it.
٨. وشيخُ نهجٍ كَريمٍ في تَنَقُّلِهِ
عم مذهبِ الهاشِمِيِّ الطُّهْرِ لم يَحُلِ
9. The pride of lineages from the House of the Messenger, Abu al-Abbas,
The sun of glories, the utmost hope.
٩. فَخْرُ العَصائبِ من بيتِ الرَّسولِ أَبو ال
عَبَّاسِ شمسُ المَعالي مُنتهَى الأَمَلِ
10. The door of divine attractions, the cloud of generosity, the dawn
Of the heaven of pride, the sanctuary of every saint.
١٠. بابُ الشُّهودِ مُفيضُ الجُودِ فجرُ سَما
ءِ الفَخْرِ رَحْبُ الحِمى سُلطانُ كلِّ وَلي
11. The pillar of Sacred Law, the praised of the spiritual path, the unveiler
Of the reality, savior of the anxious, the reverent.
١١. رُكنُ الشَّريعَةِ ممْدوحُ الطَّريقَةِ كَشَّ
افُ الحَقيقَةِ غوْثُ الخائِفِ الوَجِلِ
12. Glories are brought out for a Household whose master was truly
Right, and every glory humbles itself to its loftiness.
١٢. تُنْمى المَعالي لبيتٍ كانَ سيِّدَهُ
حقًّا وينْحَطُّ عن عَلياهُ كلُّ عَلي
13. A towering mountain of beautiful Sunna that established for him
A matter high whose train lifted from the dome of Resolution.
١٣. طَوْدٌ من السُنَّةِ السَّمْحاءِ قامَ له
شأْنٌ عَلا ذَيْلُهُ عن قُبَّةِ الحَمَلِ
14. Its marks are shining on the brows of pride
While its state is guarded from excess and pitfalls.
١٤. آثارُهُ في جِباهِ الفخرِ لامِعَةٌ
وطَوْرُهُ صِينَ عن شَطْحٍ وعن زَلَلِ
15. Blessed of face, praiseworthy of side, and at the ridge
The axis of the mill, the highest of examples.
١٥. مُبارَكُ الوجهِ محمودُ الجَنابِ وفي ال
هَيْجاءِ قُطبُ الرَّحى السَّامي عن المَثَلِ
16. Possessor of an Muhammadan conduct that has no limit
To its limit, and no peer to its stature that arrived.
١٦. مُحمَّدِيُّ سلوكٍ لا يُحَدُّ لٍ
حدٌّ وكُفْءٌ له في الشَّأْوِ لم يَصِلِ
17. Of a rank that took to honor and rose up
To a station with resolute thought not aimed for.
١٧. ذو رُتبَةٍ أخَذَتْ بالعِزِّ وارْتَفَعَتْ
إلى مَقامٍ بعَزمِ الفكرِ لم يُطَل
18. Kissing the blessed plain among throngs
Of lovely ones by the Sanctuary Mosque frequented and crowded.
١٨. مُقَبِّلُ الرَّاحَةِ البَيْضاءِ في زُمَرٍ
غُرٍّ بساحَةِ ذاكَ المَشهَدِ الحَفِلِ
19. How many knotty points that cowed me
He undid with an unfailing determination of mind!
١٩. كم حلَّ من عُقدَةٍ لي بِتُّ أَرهَبُها
بهمَّةٍ لم تَزَلْ حَلاَّلَةَ العُقَلِ
20. Arise, O brother of sincerity, and descend into the expanse of his state!
Seek refuge in him sincerely, rejoice and say and request!
٢٠. قمْ يا أَخا الصِّدقِ وانْزِلْ رُحبَ دولَتِهِ
والْجأْ له خالِصاً وابْهَجْ وقُلْ وطُلِ
21. And take him as a sword against enemies you charge
Drawn from the swords of Mustafa and kin.
٢١. وخُذهُ سيفاً على الأَعداءِ تُصلِتُهُ
مُهَنَّداً من سُيوفِ المُصْطَفى وَصُلِ
22. And make him a gateway to what hope you aspire to
And an intercessor, driving away the Revered Majestic.
٢٢. واجْعلهُ باباً لِما تَرجوهُ من أَمَلٍ
وشافِعاً دافِعاً للمُدْهِشِ الجَلِلِ
23. A master who gained control in the state of hearts through
Wisdoms he cast into them and through subtle hints.
٢٣. مولًى تحكَّمَ في طَوْرِ القُلُوبِ بما
أَلقاهُ من حِكَمٍ فيها ومن زَجَلِ
24. He turned the caprice of the ego with proof when he cut
Off what the accursed devil Satan suggested of plots.
٢٤. ردَّتْ هَوى النَّفسِ بالبُرْهانِ إذْ قَطَعَتْ
ما سَوَّلَ الخاسِرُ الشَّيطانُ من حِيَلِ
25. A rope tomorrow of God's ropes whose strength
Protects the lover from sins and flaws.
٢٥. حَبلٌ غَدا من حِبالِ اللهِ عُرْوَتُهُ
تَقِي المُحِبَّ من الآثامِ والخَلَلِ
26. An inheritor who gathered and fine are his plants,
And fine is his drinking place whether settling or shifting abode.
٢٦. ووارِثُ جامِعٌ طابَتْ مَغارِسُهُ
وطابَ مَسْراهُ في حطٍّ وفي نُقَلِ
27. To him flees the weak of heart, leaning
Upon him, so he follows in him the clearest ways.
٢٧. يأوي إليه الضَّعيفُ القلبِ مُسْتنِداً
لهُ فينْهَجُ فيهِ أَوضَحَ السُّبُلِ
28. Bestow him as a mountain from the House of Fatima
Sanctified, its mount Sinai unmatched by any mountain.
٢٨. أَنعِمْ به جَبَلاً من آلِ فاطمةٍ
مُقدَّساً طُورُهُ ناهيكَ من جَبَلِ
29. His aid is lighter than the breeze of wind
And in capacity atop the towering height by heaviness.
٢٩. أَخَفَ من نَسَماتِ الرِّيحِ نجدَتَهُ
وفي التَّمكُّنِ فوقَ الطَّوْدِ بالثِّقَلِ
30. A system for an exalted House all of which is
Righteous work free in general of laziness.
٣٠. نِظامُ بيتٍ رَفيعٍ كلُّهُ عَمَلٌ
بَرٌّ تنزَّهَ إجْمالاً عن الكَسَلِ
31. Upon it is the good pleasure of the Lord of the Throne
However many verses He gathered in the chapters of detail and summation.
٣١. عليه رِضوانُ رَبِّ العَرْشِ ما جمَعَتْ
آياتِهِ من سُوَرُ التَّفصيلِ والجُمَلِ