1. Time has attained loftiness and turned away
Ignorantly from loftiness, so pardon the world
١. قد أبْصَرَ الزَّمانُ عَلْوى وَغَفا
جَهْلاً بِعَلْوى فَعَلى الدُّنيا العَفا
2. And its people when they became engrossed in it
For their frivolity, time lacked purity
٢. وأهْلُها لمَّا تَفَنَّنوا بها
لهمْ لِطَيْشِهِ الزَّمانُ ما صفا
3. Truth and falsehood, misguidance and guidance
Prevention and giving, betrayal and loyalty
٣. حَقٌّ وباطِلٌ وغَيٌّ وهُدًى
مَنعٌ وإبذالٌ وغَدرٌ ووفَا
4. Two opposites, by their rule amongst them
Repulsion which divided them, so they differed
٤. ضِدَّانِ من حكمِهِما بينَهما
تَنافُرٌ صدَّهُما فاخْتَلَفَا
5. And time, O Huthaym, has a party
Whose axis turned to ephemeralities
٥. وللزَّمانِ يا هُذَيْمُ عُصبَةٌ
مِحوَرُها للفانِياتِ انْصرفَا
6. It shot with the arrow of falsehood, a servant whose heart
Turned from existence to the Eternal, inclined
٦. رَمَتْ بِسَهمِ الزُّورِ عَبداً قَلْبُهُ
عن الوجودِ للمُقيمِ انْعَطَفَا
7. It went astray with its misguidance and erred
And its view deviated from what is right
٧. وشَرَّقَتْ بِغَيِّها وغَرَّبَتْ
ورأيُها عنِ الصَّوابِ انْحَرفَا
8. Whoever is exclusively a servant of the Merciful
With a heart steadfast at the door of God
٨. من كانَ للرَّحمنِ عبداً خالصاً
قَلباً على بابِ الإلهِ عَكَفَا
9. And turned his resolve away from anything other than Him
And averted his glance from everything else
٩. وصَدَّ عن كَوْنِ السِّوى هِمَّتَهُ
وطَرفَهُ عن كلِّ شيءٍ طَرَفَا
10. Manifestations, apparent in their rule
Revealing from the hidden secret a glance
١٠. مَظاهرٌ بِحُكمها بارِزَةٌ
تَجْلو من السِّرِّ الخَفِيِّ طَرَفَا
11. The ignorant, prisoner of passions, does not know Him
But only one who has known, recognizes
١١. يَجّهَلُهُ الجاهلُ مأسورُ الهَوى
وإنَّما يَعْرِفهُ من عَرَفَا
12. The Lord of ignorance reveals from his conscience
To everything he sees, from what he has drawn
١٢. يُبْرِزُ رَبُّ الجَهلِ من ضَميرِهِ
لِكلِّ ما يَراهُ ممَّا اغْتَرَفَا
13. So he clothes the manifestations with the faults of
The weaving of his conscience which exceeded
١٣. فَيُلْبِسُ المَظاهِرَ العُيوبَ عنْ
نَسجِ ضَميرهِ الَّذي قد أسْرَفَا
14. While the righteous servant returns what appeared
To its origin, so he obliterates the impurities
١٤. والعارِفُ البَرُّ يَرُدُّ ما بَدا
لأصْلِهِ فَيَمْحَقُ الغَثَّ الصَّفا
15. The sight of every person looks
With the sight his heart concealed
١٥. كُلُّ امْرِئٍ تَنظُرُ عَينُ رأسهِ
بالنَّظَرِ الَّذي بِقَلبِهِ اخْتَفى
16. And the eye overlooks its view
But it is the heart that overlooked
١٦. وتُشْرِفُ العَينُ على مَنْظورِها
وإنَّما القَلْبُ الَّذي قد أشْرَفَا
17. And sometimes an eye glimpses blackness
While the heart settled it with nobility
١٧. ورُبَّما تَلْمَحُ عَينٌ أسْوَداً
أقَرَّهُ القلبُ مَقَرَّ الشُّرَفَا
18. And it sees the brilliant beautifully appearing
While in the heart is clothed with blackness
١٨. وتُبْصِرُ الأزْهَرَ يَزْهو مَنْظَراً
وفي الفُؤادِ بالسَّوادِ التَحَفَا
19. So judgement belongs to the hearts in their composition
Imprinted smooth or coarse within them
١٩. فالحُكْمُ للقُلوبِ في تَنْظيمِها
مَطْبوعُها رَقَّ لها أو كَثُفا
20. Not every heart is truthful in its ruling
Whether it lowered the curtains or exposed
٢٠. ما كُلُّ قلبٍ صادِقاً في حُكْمِهِ
إنْ أسْدَلَ الأسْتارَ أو إن كَشفَا
21. If a person's heart soared to God and did not
Care about the din of existence, sufficing in God
٢١. إن طارَ قلبُ المَرءِ لله ولم
يَحْفَلْ بِغَوْشِ الكَوْنِ بالله اكْتَفى
22. God the Exalted inspires him with His guidance
And chooses him like one He has chosen
٢٢. يُلْهِمُهُ الله تَعالى رُشْدَهُ
ويَصْطَفيهِ مثلَ من قد اصْطَفى
23. So he understands the hidden through the universe's unfolding
And sees the unfolded in the folds of the unseen
٢٣. فَيَفْهَمَ المَطْوِيَّ من نَشرِ الوَرى
ويُبْصِرَ المَنْشورَ في طَيَّ الخَفَا
24. O you who see the righteous as evil, indeed
Opinion has overwhelmed you, which did not judge fairly
٢٤. يا من يَرى الأبرارَ أشراراً لقدْ
طَغى بكَ الرَّأيُ الَّذي ما أنْصَفَا
25. You judged rashly with corrupt analogy
Why did you not refrain like one who refrained
٢٥. حَكَمْتَ طَيشاً بِقياسٍ فاسدٍ
هَلاَّ تَوَقَّفْتَ كَمَنْ تَوَقَّفَا
26. You roused them frivolously towards the world and did not
Redirect them where God has guided
٢٦. بَعَثْتَهُمْ بالطَّيْشِ للدُّنيا وما
صَرَفْتَهُمْ حيثُ الإلهُ صَرَفَا
27. You described them with what you concealed in ruling
A heart, and you were pleased with attributing it
٢٧. وَصَفْتَهُمْ بما طَوَيْتَ حُكْمَهُ
قلباً وقد رُحْتَ بهِ مُتَّصِفَا
28. You suppose they are, as claimed, wealthy, having
Become aloof in their demeanor, abstaining
٢٨. تَحْسَبُهُمْ بالزُّعْمِ أغْنِياءَ مُذْ
تَرَفَّعوا بِطَوْرِهِمْ تَعَفَّفَا
29. A people at the door of God Most High
Who turned away from the luminous secret uncaring
٢٩. قومٌ بِبابِ الله عَزَّ شأنُهُ
زَوَوا عن السِّرِّ المُنيرِ السَّجَفا
30. They would jostle there if you saw them
With an effort, shoulder to shoulder
٣٠. تَزاحَموا هُناكَ لو أبْصَرْتَهُمْ
يَرْهُصُ كَتِفٌ بِجُهْدٍ كَتِفَا
31. With lofty resolves to their Lord
That ridicule lightning when it strikes
٣١. بِهِمَمٍ طَيَّارةٍ لِرَبِّها
تَهْزأُ بالبَرْقِ إذا ما خَطَفَا
32. They have discarded things from their hearts
And relieved themselves of burdens
٣٢. قد طَرَحوا الأشياءَ عن قُلوبِهمْ
وشارَفوا رِجالَها تَكَلُّفَا
33. So the sick at heart despaired of their nearness
While they are the cure for the ailments of existence
٣٣. فاتَ مَريضَ القلبِ بُرْءُ قُرْبِهِمْ
وهمْ لأمراضِ الوجوداتِ شِفَا
34. The hidden secrets of the Most High assumed their qualities
And ascended above the celestial spheres
٣٤. تَسَنَّمَتْ ذُرَى العُلى أسْرارُهُمْ
ونَصَبَتْ فوقَ البُروجِ رَفْرَفا
35. Their great men are chained in succession
So a predecessor inherited glory from a successor
٣٥. تَسَلْسَلَتْ عَظيمَةً رِجالُهُمْ
فَسَلَفٌ وَرَّثَ مَجْداً خَلَفَا
36. The heart of each Hashimi in every generation
Turned away from all people in the land
٣٦. من كلِّ قَرْمٍ هاشميٍّ قَلْبُهُ
عن كلِّ خَلقٍ في البَرايا عَزَفَا
37. His resolve clung to the Chosen One and his family
And he went on the path of the Chosen
٣٧. تَعَلَّقَتْ بالمُصْطَفى وآلِهِ
هِمَّتُهُ وسارَ إثرَ المُصْطَفى
38. And set out to follow the intimate companions
Disavowing with his demeanor, while professing
٣٨. وراحَ يَتْبَعُ الصَّحابَةَ الأُلَى
مُنَكَّراً بِطَوْرِهِ مُعَرَّفا
39. His slogan is truthfulness and his state is piety
His demeanor is patience and his nature is loyalty
٣٩. مُبَرَّأ الهِمَّةِ من شَقِّ العَصا
ولن يَرى سِوى السَّوادِ طَرَفَا
40. They are the people whose
Traces have become a gift for the gnostics
٤٠. إنْ اقْتَدى بِسَيِّدِ الكُلِّ اقْتَدَى
أوِ اقْتَفى إثرَ جَنابِهِ اقْتَفى
41. We are from them, and the truth we
Know, its promise will not be broken
٤١. شِعارُهُ الصِّدقُ وحالهُ التُّقى
وطَوْرُهُ الصَّبْرُ وخُلْقُهُ الوَفَا
42. God will shine upon us with the might of His glory
A morning with flags fluttering
٤٢. أولئكَ القَومُ الذينَ أصبَحَتْ
آثارُهمْ للعارفينَ تُحَفَا
43. All of it religion, remembrance, and piety
Repelling with light the resolve of whoever hardened
٤٣. فَنَحنُ مِنهمْ والحَقيقةُ التي
نَعرفُها ميعادُها لن يُخْلَفَا
44. Unlike the claim of those who transgressed upon God
And fabricated lies, swearing falsely
٤٤. سَيُطْلِعُ الله بِسَمْكِ عِزِّهِ
لنا صَباحاً بالسَّنا مُرَفْرَفا
45. And said about us other than what God desired
Guessing about us in His absence and illusion
٤٥. وكُلُّهُ دينٌ وذِكرٌ وتُقًى
تَرُدُّ بالأنْوارِ عَزمَ من جَفَا
46. Wait, O party of passions, for you have come
With suspect claims and nonsense
٤٦. خِلافَ زُعْمِ من على الله اعْتَدى
واخْتَرَعَ الكِذْبَ وَزوراً حَلَفَا
47. You have judged us contrary to what the Creator ruled
And you have betrayed while He graciously favoured
٤٧. وقالَ فينا غيرَ ما الله ارْتَضى
لنا بِغَيْبهِ وبالوَهْمِ اشْتَفى
48. How many times has a gang aggressively attacked
Our sanctuary, but it sufficed
٤٨. مَهْلاً على رَسْلِكَ يا حِزبَ الهَوى
فقد وَرَدْتَ بالزُّعومِ التَّلَفَا
49. And zeal pushed it back to the brink
So we in existence are the essence of guidance
٤٩. قَضَيْتَ فينا عَكْسَ ما الباري قَضى
وقد غَدَرْتَ وهو فَضلاً لَطَفَا
50. The cosmos was molded upon us as shells
While the world has enchanted the hearts of its people
٥٠. كم مَرَّةٍ بِطَيشِها تَهاجَمَتْ
عِصابَةٌ على حِمانا فَكَفى
51. And God increased us in loftiness we craved
٥١. وَرَدَّها مَصْروعَةً على القَفَا
وغيرَةً أوْقَفَها على شَفَا
٥٢. فَنَحنُ في الكونِ جَواهِرُ الهُدى
صيغَتْ علينا الكائِناتُ صَدَفَا
٥٣. شَغَفَتِ الدُّنيا قُلوبَ أهْلِها
وزادَنا اللهُ بِعَلْوى شَغَفَا