1. Seventy times have I seen Allah's messenger
Prepare me at once for serving sacred law;
١. رأَيتُ رسولَ اللهِ سبعينَ مرَّةً
يُجَهِّزُني حالاً إلى خدمَةِ الشَّرْعِ
2. And make me into a sword against each heretic
And their people, men of misguidance by their nature.
٢. ويُصلِتُني سيفاً على كلِّ بِعدَةٍ
وأَصحابِها أَهْلِ الغَوايَةِ بالطَّبْعِ
3. He commanded me to keep the lawful as a meadow
For his loved ones, the bearers of rule in capacity.
٣. ويأْمُرُ أن أُبقي المُباحَ رِياضَةً
لأَحْبابِهِ إذْ حملَةُ الحكمِ بالوُسْعِ
4. And to unsheathe the light of Sacred Law with guidance
Upon its precise text, joined and divided.
٤. وأن أَجتَلي نورَ الشَّريعَةِ بالهُدى
على نصِّهِ المَنْصوصِ بالوصْلِ والقَطْعِ
5. And not to see severity in religion as a way,
Nor to let loose the reins from deterrence.
٥. وأن لا أرَى التَّشديد في الدِّينِ منهَجاً
وأن لا أرَى قبضَ العِنانِ عن الرَّدْعِ
6. And to cut off minds from the mire of passion,
And to act with resolve and integrity when commanded.
٦. وأن أَقطَعَ الأَلبابَ عن رِبْقَةِ الهَوَى
وأَفعَلَ عندَ الأَمرِ بالعزمِ والصَّدْعِ
7. And not to see the breaking of sticks as a means,
But to see the rule of connection to origin through branch.
٧. وأن لا أرَى شقَّ العِصِيِّ ذَريعَةً
وأن أرَى حكمَ الوَصْلِ للأَصلِ بالفَرْعِ
8. And to perfect transcendence for God sincerely,
Above high and low, smoothed and paired.
٨. وأن أُحكِمَ التَّنزيهَ للهِ خالِصاً
عن الفوقِ والتَّحتِ المُمَهَّدِ والشَّفْعِ
9. And to see leaving union and its kind,
And perfecting the rule of text in division and gathering.
٩. وأن أرَى تركَ الإتِّحادِ ونوعِهِ
وإحكامَ حكمِ النَّصِّ في الفرقِ والجَمْعِ
10. And to plant the judgment I have taken
In valleys towering with protected sanctity, lacking crops.
١٠. وأن أزرَعَ الحكمَ الَّذي قد أخذْتُهُ
بوادٍ تِهامِيِّ الحِمى غيرِ ذي زَرْعِ
11. Thereupon I will have given the Trust to its people,
And acted as I was prepared in serving Sacred Law.
١١. هُنالِكَ أدَّيتُ الأَمانَةَ أَهلَها
وقمتُ كما جُهِّزْتُ في خدمَةِ الشَّرْعِ