1. Praise be to Allah, I belong to the lineage of Al-Mustafa
Of noble character, above saying and speech
١. الحمدُ للهِ لي للمُصْطَفى نَسَبٌ
مُنَزَّهُ الشَّأنِ عن قالٍ وعن قيلِ
2. Through him our grandfather the fisherman was exalted
Pulpits of veneration and preference were raised for him
٢. عَلا به جَدُّنا الصَّيَّادُ فارتفَعَتْ
له مَنابِرُ إجْلالٍ وتَفْضيلِ
3. With him a protective covering was placed over Abul Abbas
It came forth with a sword of evidence well-polished
٣. سَمَتْ به لأَبي العَبَّاسِ حابِكَةٌ
جادَتْ بسيفٍ من البُرْهانِ مَصْقولِ
4. A fatherhood which Ar-Rahman confirmed its status
With the light of truthfulness enveloped by the eye of Allah
٤. أبُوَّةٌ أيَّدَ الرَّحمنُ رتبَتَها
بنورِ صدقٍ بعينِ اللهِ مَشْمولِ
5. Al-Rifa'i stood among them as a shining moon
Clarifying meanings with brevity and elaboration
٥. قامَ الرِّفاعِيُّ في أوْساطِها قَمَراً
يجلو المَعاني بإجْمالٍ وتَفْصيلِ
6. And I stood by his curriculum of sonship
At a rank elevated above letters and changes
٦. وقمتُ عنهُ بمنْهاجِ البُنُوَّةِ في
طَوْرٍ ترفَّعَ عن حرفٍ وتبديلِ
7. And I have origins that rose in their steps
With every noble-born stalwart of pure descent
٧. ولي أُصولٌ تَسامَتْ في مَعارِجِها
بكلِّ فحلٍ شَريفِ الأصلِ بُهْلولِ
8. The lineage of professorship to my father raises me
My father the marvels, Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
٨. عرقُ الأُمومَةِ للأسْتاذِ يرفعُني
أَبي الخَوارِقِ عبد القادرِ الجيلي
9. The axis of men, the chief of the gnostics, the one
To whom the state is attributed accompanied with veneration
٩. قطبِ الرِّجالِ رئيسِ العارِفينَ ومن
يُعزى له الحالُ مشْفوعاً بتَبْجيلِ
10. From the family of honorable nobility whose way of life
Spreads fine fragrance among people from generation to generation
١٠. من آلِ بيتٍ كِرامٍ مسكُ سيرَتِهِمْ
يَفوحُ في النَّاس من جيلٍ إلى جيلِ
11. To the high minarets, a chain guided him
With every link joined by Allah's rope
١١. إلى العَواتِكِ قدْ أدْلَتْهُ سِلسِلَةٌ
بكلِّ عِقدٍ بحبلِ اللهِ مَوْصولِ
12. And after this and that, my nobility was completed
And Allah fulfilled my hopes through the Chosen One
١٢. وبعدَ هذا وهذا تمَّ لي شَرَفي
وحقَّقَ اللهُ بالمُخْتارِ مأمولي