1. How many a weakened one we have revived
And how many a prominent one we have bent
١. كم نَشَرْنا من طامِسٍ وطَوَيْنَا
وأَقَمْنا من بارِزٍ ولَوَيْنَا
2. How many a slothful one we have raised
And how many an oath-breaker we have coaxed
٢. ورَفَعْنا من خامِلٍ ووَضعْنا
واجْتَذَبْنا من ناكِثٍ وزَوَيْنَا
3. How many a sign we have elaborated
And how many a tradition we have transmitted
٣. وأَفَضْنا من آيَةٍ ونَسَخْنا
ونَقَلْنا من مُسْنَدٍ وَرَوَيْنَا
4. How many a wine we have banned
And how many a meadow we have irrigated
٤. وأَدَرْنا من خَمْرَةٍ ومَنَعْنا
وشَرِبْنا من مُتْرَعٍ وسَقَيْنَا
5. How we have granted through our Lord and deprived
And how we have judged by His command and decreed
٥. ووَهَبْنا برَبِّنا وسَلَبْنا
وحَكَمْنا بأَمرِهِ وقَضَيْنَا
6. How the All-Powerful has illuminated hearts through us
And how He has approved the bestowal of grace upon us
٦. كم بِنا نوَّرَ المُهَيْمِنُ قلباً
ولنا قدْ أقَرَّ بالمَنْحِ عَيْنَا
7. The people of revelation have strived with effort
Yet we have surpassed them in free will
٧. سارَ أَهلُ الوَحا بجِدٍّ وجُهْدٍ
وسَبَقْناهُمُو بسَيْرِ الهُوَيْنَا
8. We are the family of the Prophet, and the unseen
Through the alternation of mysteries has come to us
٨. نحنُ آلُ النَّبِيِّ فالسِّرُّ منهُ
بتَدَلِّي الغُيوبِ سارَ إلَيْنَا
9. No station of nearness and intimacy has appeared
To people except that we have climbed it
٩. ما بَدَتْ للرِّجالِ رُتْبَةُ قُرْبٍ
ودُنُوِّ إِلاَّ وعنْها ارْتَقَيْنَا
10. If time afflicts you one day with adversity
Incline toward us and place the burdens upon us
١٠. إنْ دَهاكَ الزَّمانُ يوماً بخَطْبٍ
مِلْ إلَيْنَا والْقِ الحُمولَ عَلَيْنَا
11. Whoever we have cast down has died disgraced
And God has refused to spread what we have folded
١١. من وَضَعْناهُ ماتَ وهو وَضيعٌ
وأَبى اللهُ نَشْرَ ما قدَ طَوَيْنَا
12. And whoever has gained a glance of support from us
Has become, after humiliation, a source of honor
١٢. والَّذي نالَ نَظْرَةَ العَوْنِ مِنَّا
صارَ بعدَ الخُمولِ بالعِزِّ عَيْنَا
13. The hand of Divine Care has made us an eye
That has uncovered for the people their blindness
١٣. قدْ جَلَتْنا يدُ العِنايَةِ عَيْناً
كَشَفَتْ عن بَصائِرِ القومِ غَيْنَا