
When the servant enlivens his heart with religion

إذا العبد أحيى الله بالدين قلبه

1. When the servant enlivens his heart with religion
And teaches it the love of the Prophet as He wills,

١. إذا العبدُ أحيَى الله بالدِّينِ قَلْبَهُ
وعَلَّمَهُ حُبَّ النَّبيِّ كَما يَرْضى

2. His aspirations are exalted, his meaning made clear,
His inner secrets rise up high, his needs fulfilled.

٢. فَهِمَّتُهُ تَعْلو ومَعْناهُ يَنْجَلي
وأسرارُهُ تَسْمو وحاجاتُهُ تُقْضى