1. The paths of truth from proof have been
Established in mystery, and wisdom made plain,
١. طَرَقَ السِّرَّ من البُرْهانِ ما
قام في السِّرِّ وأَبدى الحِكَمَا
2. Watered from the source of outpouring bounteousness
The billows of the Evangel's sea never ceased to flow.
٢. ورَوى عن منبَعِ الفائِضِ من
موجِ بحر الانْجِلا ما الْتَطَمَا
3. In the heart's corner, and throughout
Every part, unopposed, they wisdom sowed.
٣. مَدَّ في زاويَةُ القلبِ وفي
كُلِّها من غيرِ نِدٍّ حَكَمَا
4. And shot arrows of glorious affairs, so that
Exalted be Allah! Allah! they shot - glory's arrows.
٤. ورَمى نبلَ شُؤُنٍ فعلَتْ
فتَعالى اللهُ اللهُ رَمَى
5. The flames of zeal ignited, and my passion
For zeal - since the flames ignited - set me alight.
٥. لَمَعَتْ نارَ الحِمى واشَغَفي
للحِمى مذْ لَمَعَتْ نارُ الحِمى
6. I swear by that first gleam, which was
My goal, glorifying oaths they made.
٦. قَسَماً باللَّمعَةِ الأولى التي
هيَ مَرْمايَ وعزَّتْ قَسَمَا
7. I am enraptured by the beauty of her visage
When it rose smiling through the veil.
٧. أَنا مَسْلوبٌ بمَجْلى حُسنِها
حين حلَّتْ بالبُروزِ العَلَمَا
8. Whenever her cheek grew radiant through her veil
It stirred the doting heart over and over again.
٨. كلَّما شارَقَ مَجْلاها الخَفَا
هَيَّجَ القلبَ المُعَنَّى كلَّما
9. The fluttering of the banners in the east
Overwhelmed me, while from me all creation vanished.
٩. رَفْرَفُ الطَّوْدِ بشرقِيِّ اللِّوا
شاقَني والكَوْنُ منِّي انْعَدَمَا
10. My communing with Moses was my upbringing,
But when his form faded, the lines grew clear to me.
١٠. ومُناجَاتي بمُوسى نَشْأَتي
مذْ تَلاشَتْ أَوضَحَتْ لي الرَّقَمَا
11. Moses swooned at my resolute determination,
And my existence melted - tears flooded forth.
١١. خرَّ مُوسى العَزْمِ منِّي صَعِقاً
ووُجودي ذابَ الدَّمعُ همَى
12. I crumbled as if I had never been,
Nor any temple been integrated into me.
١٢. وتَداعَيْتُ كأنِّي لم أكنْ
لا ولا الهَيْكَلُ منِّي انْتَظَمَا
13. What a marvelous disintegration came over me,
As if I were amidst the clouds of heaven.
١٣. يا لتَنْسيقِ فَناءٍ عَمَّني
فكأنِّي في نِساقاتِ العَمَا
14. So I folded up creation from my vision,
And folded up the earth and heavens from me.
١٤. فطَوَيْتُ النَّوعَ عن باصِرَتي
وزَوَيْتُ الأَرضَ عنِّي والسَّمَا
15. What meaning in my witnessing appeared to me?
A life astir in its mighty land of tumult?
١٥. أَيُّ معنًى في شُهودي لاحَ لي
هَدَرٌ في أَرضِهِ الكُبْرى الدِّمَا
16. Hints within the Sinai of guidance
With light unveiled the darkness from me.
١٦. وإشاراتٍ بسِيناءِ الهُدى
كشفَتْ بالنُّورِ عنَّا الظُّلَمَا
17. And a conscience into which the light gushed forth
When it saw revelation's lightning set ablaze.
١٧. وضَميرٍ طفَحَ النُّورُ به
مذْ رأَى برقَ الشُّهودِ اضْطَرَمَا
18. The visitor wept burning tears
As the beloved one smiled when he appeared.
١٨. عارَضَ العارِضُ دمعٌ هامِلٌ
فانْطَوى حينَ الحَبيبُ ابْتَسَمَا
19. And a heaven the full moon adorned,
Toward which will from the breast ascended.
١٩. وسَماءٍ لأْلأَ البدرُ بها
نحوَها العَزْمُ من السِّرِّ سَمَا
20. So as will for it ascended beyond
Its kind, so did ascent and apportioning.
٢٠. فكَما طالَتْ لها العَزْمُ على
نوْعِها طالَ ارْتِقاءً وكَما
21. And when the brocade from the garden of intimacy
Was outspread, its edges flourished and integrated.
٢١. ومذْ الدِّيباجُ من روضِ الرُّبى
بُسِطَتْ أَطرافُهُ واتَّسَمَا
22. And the embroidery of flowers budded forth,
While birds, carefree, sang songs.
٢٢. وأَطاريزُ الزُّهورِ انْتَسَجَتْ
وبها الطَّيرُ انْبِساطاً رَنَّما
23. And prayer rugs were laid out in the sanctuary
Of passion, and the party breathed secretly.
٢٣. والسَّجاجيدُ لديوانِ الحِمى
فُرشتْ والحِزبُ سِرًّا نَمْنَمَا
24. The guide with Jesus' staff the people's
Plodding steps scarcely roused, and faintly stirred.
٢٤. وسَرى الحادِي بعِيسِ القَوْمِ ما
أَثْقَلَتْ بالخطوِ إِلاَّ دَمْدَمَا
25. So behold me there, outpacing
My beloved, my feet take wing.
٢٥. فهُناكَ انْظُرْ تَراني سابِقاً
لحَبيبي أَسْتَطيرُ القَدَمَا
26. The Originator of all things remains eternal,
While all that is claimed is fantasy and myth.
٢٦. موجِدُ الأَشياءِ باقٍ دائمٌ
وخَيالٌ كلُّ ما قدْ زُعِمَا
27. The people pursued paths, but by my life,
I took the most upright way.
٢٧. طَرَقَ القَوْمُ لَعَمْرِي طُرُقاً
وتَبَوَّأْتُ الطَّريقَ الأَقْوَمَا
28. God unified; the Prophet Mustafa guided,
And we became integrated through his guidance.
٢٨. وحَّدَ اللهُ الرَّسُولُ المُصْطَفى
وانْتَظَمْنا بهُداهُ مثلَمَا
29. The secrets of guidance he taught us,
So we hold as true all he imparted.
٢٩. هو أَسرارُ الهُدَى علَّمَنا
فاعْتَقَدْنا كلُّ ما قدْ عَلَّمَا
30. Through him we ascended to heaven's gardens,
And by what he taught we became people of knowledge.
٣٠. فبِهِ طِرْنا ليافوخِ العُلى
وبِما عَلَّمَ صِرْنا العُلَمَا
31. We demolished the commerce of others, and never
Took in religion an idol for worship.
٣١. وهدمْنا بِيَعَ الغَيْر ولم
نتَّخذْ في الدِّينِ يوماً صَنَمَا
32. Whenever God presented him to us
We did not keep his affair concealed.
٣٢. كلَّما أبْرَزَهُ اللهُ لنا
لم نُصَيِّرْ شأنَهُ مُكْتَتَمَا
33. That which in wisdom concealed his manifestation
We never found to be other than ambiguous.
٣٣. والَّذي حُكماً طوَى مظهَرَهُ
لم نجِدْهُ قطُّ إِلاَّ مُبْهَمَا
34. And if we say, extolling a man,
It is extolling what he exalted.
٣٤. وإذا قُلنا بتعْظيمِ امرءٍ
فهو تَعْظيمٌ لما قَدْ عظَّمَا
35. The limits of Sacred Law for us are ruled
By a Judge whom the taught know well.
٣٥. وحُدودُ الشَّرْعِ فينا أَمرُها
حاكِمٌ يعلَمُهُ من عُلِّمَا
36. Cry out: Take guidance from the Holy Law,
Making it a ladder to the most high.
٣٦. صاحِ خذْ من شِرْعَةِ الهادي الهُدَى
واتَّخذْها للمَعالي سُلَّما
37. Leave creation be, pay it no heed,
Worship God, and abandon the one in darkness.
٣٧. ودعِ الأَكْوانَ لا تعبأْ بها
واعْبُدِ اللهَ ودعْ من ظَلَمَا
38. Take the Qur'an as clear light,
For one who turns from it is blind in the dark.
٣٨. وخذِ القُرآنَ نوراً بيِّناً
فظَلومٌ حادَ عنهُ في عَمَى
39. Draw near to God through its separation,
For one who breaks with it is truly deaf.
٣٩. واتَّصلْ باللهِ من فُرْقانِهِ
فالَّذي فارَقَهُ قد فُصِمَا
40. Make the Sunna a fortress of protection,
The path of Mustafa remains strong.
٤٠. واجْعَلِ السُنَّةَ حِصناً عاصِماً
عزَّ نَهْجُ المُصْطَفى مُعْتَصِمَا
41. Upon it may God, in all creation,
Bestow blessings and peace whenever prayed.
٤١. فعليه اللهُ في أَكْوانِهِ
كلَّما صلَّى بشأنٍ سَلَّمَا