1. Take the people's roundabout route, O guide,
Toward the lowlands—do not call out to it.
١. عرِّج بعيس القوم يا حاديها
نحو البطايح لاتفت ناديها
2. And when you come to the living, strike barefoot
The homes' doorsteps, though they are sacred to it.
٢. وإذا أتيت الحيَّ فاضرب حافياً
بيد الديار وقدسن واديها
3. You and those with you dismount from the hilltops—
Behave courteously before you reach them.
٣. وانزل عن الأكوار أنت ومن لدي
كَ تأدُّباً من قبل أن تأتيها
4. And when you see the domes of Umm Ubaydah's place,
Bow down; do not kiss its sill as Ahmad did.
٤. ومتى شهدت قباب أُمِّ عبيدةٍ
أطرق فلاثم كقِّ أحمد فيها
5. Ahmad, the evident, sublime, Divinely-supported one
Is the chaste maiden's beloved among her sons.
٥. ذُ المظهر السامي المؤيَّدِ أحمدٌ
شبل البتول حبيبها ببنيها
6. The shaykh of realities and paths, her succor,
The master teacher of her sultan, her protector.
٦. شيخ الحقائق والطرائق غوثها
أستاذ سلطانها حاميها
7. The shining star of subtle knowledge, her sun,
Her guardian and the leader of her loyal ones.
٧. نبراس رقرقة المعارف شمسها
ووليها وإمام حزب ذويها
8. Kiss the noble earth of his retreat
Where the angels of the All-Powerful circled round.
٨. قبل شريف تراب حضرته التي
طافت مئكلة المهيمن فيها
9. Say, "Peace be upon you," O son of al-Murtada,
And spread there a fervent longing folded round.
٩. وقل السلام عليك يا ابن المرتضى
وانشر هنالك لهفةً تطويها
10. Scatter then the pearls of tears upon his tomb,
Recite there the greetings of the passionate, sincere.
١٠. وانثر إذن درر الدموع على الثرا
واقرأ تحيات الهيام نزيها
11. Ask the hand of the one whose hand is white
Among the Family of the Flower who loves his father.
١١. واسأل يدا من ذي اليد البيضاء من
هو في بني الزهراء حبُّ أبيها
12. Succor who excelled all men—you will never see
Among the saints anyone resembling him.
١٢. غوثٌ تفَرَّد في الرجال ولن ترى
لجانبه في الأولياء شبيها
13. Accepted, eminent, he slept from visiting
And stood at the door of God, revered.
١٣. مقبول جاه نام عن قصد الوجو
دِ وقام في باب الإله وجيها
14. He brought Muhammad's nation truths
That give life—he turned back from its guide.
١٤. وأتى لأمَّة جدِّه بحقائق
تحيي القلوب فناب عن هاديها
15. He showed self-abasement to the All-Powerful
As God, Majestic is His Majesty, elevated him.
١٥. يضع انكساراً للمهيمن نفسهُ
والله جلَّ جلاله يعليها
16. He negated his fame, folded it away,
While the Truth in His Kingdom gave him life.
١٦. ويميت شهرته ليطوي نشرها
والحقُّ في ملكوته يحييها
17. By his effort the path was clear for his men,
So his essence they had concealed became evident.
١٧. وضح الطريق بسعيه لرجاله
فبدت حقيقته التي يخفيها
18. He overflowed with Muhammad's guidance
In its towns and places far from towns.
١٨. وأفاض في الأكوان هدي محمَّدٍ
فسرى بحاضرها وفي باديها
19. However a man seeks to hide his inner thoughts,
The Knower of secrets will reveal them.
١٩. والمرؤُ مهما رام كتم سريرةٍ
لابدَّ عالم سره يبديها
20. So look, my brother, at Ahmad's path and take heed
If you have insight into the Way, O intelligent one.
٢٠. فانظر أخيَّ طريق أحمد واعتبر
إن كنت في ذوق الطريق نبيها
21. Forsake claims, humble and detached,
In a way that he relates back to his grandfather.
٢١. هجر الدعاوي خاشعاً متبتلاً
بطريقةٍ عن جدِّه يرويها
22. He did without needs decisively, certain
That the Generous One fulfills them through His grace.
٢٢. وطوى عن الحاجات كشحاً جازماً
أنَّ الكريم بفضله يقضيها
23. He followed the path of silence and solitude,
While yearnings' mounts sped on beneath him.
٢٣. وسرى بفيفاء التمسكن وحده
وغفا بركبان الحمى ساريها
24. He restored the lofty hearts to their Lord
For the worshippers—their Protector is their Maker.
٢٤. وأعاد فارعة القلوب لربها
إنَّ العباد وليُّها باريها
25. This is the great Rafai' and these are his signs—
Blessings upon you, O reciter!
٢٥. هذا الرفاعي الكبير وهذه
آياته بوركت يا تاليها