
Pour forth upon us, O people of Umm 'Ubaydah

أفيضوا لنا يا أهل أم عبيدة

1. Pour forth upon us, O people of Umm 'Ubaydah
The outpouring of the generous hand, and seize the reward

١. أفيضوا لنا يا أَهْلَ أُمِّ عَبيدَةٍ
فُيوضَ اليَدِ البيضاءِ واغْتَنِموا الأجْرا

2. And do not cut us off from the cords of your bounty
For your open-handedness is in this abode the greatest plain

٢. ولا تَقْطَعوا عَنَّا حِبالَ نَوالِكُمْ
فَساحَتكُمْ في الحَضرَةِ السَّاحَةُ الكُبرى

3. We loved your meanings, and fancied loving you
We delighted in you secretly, and yearned for you openly

٣. عَشِقْنا مَعانيكُمْ وهِمْنا بِحُبِّكُمْ
وطِبْنا بِكمْ سِرًّا وذُبْنا لكم جَهْرا

4. And impassioned ones of desire have overwhelmed us
In burning longing, so have mercy and accept our excuse

٤. وقد غَلَبَتْنا الصَّادِعاتُ من الهَوَى
وَوجْداً ذَهِلْنا فارْحَموا واقْبَلوا العُذْرا

5. O bewilderment of loved ones, lovers of your state
Sweetened by its ardor the wind and the downpour

٥. فيا حَيْرَةَ الأحبابِ عُشَّاقُ حالِكُمْ
قد اسْتَعْذَبَتْ من لَهْفِها الطَّيَّ والنَّشْرا

6. It moans for you that the afflicted one, and her eyelash
Has excellently scattered the prose of flowing tears

٦. تَئِنُّ لكم أنَّ اللَّديغِ وطَرْفُها
لِمَنْظومِ دُرِّ الدَّمْعِ قد أحْسَنَ النَّثْرا

7. With the gentleness of your meanings, and the secrecy of your affairs
With a state that perfumed the land and the sea

٧. بِلُطفِ مَعانيكُمْ وسِرِّ شٌؤونِكُمْ
وحالٍ به عَطَّرْتُمْ البَرَّ والبَحرا

8. With your signs, and the descending ones that
Recited then rested in the domes on high

٨. بآياتِكُمْ والوارداتِ التي انْجَلَتْ
بها ثمََّّ راحَتْ في قِبابِ العُلى تُقْرا

9. With your days, and the transcendent ones with which
You spanned nights whose dawn you made radiant

٩. بأيَّامكُمْ والخارِقاتِ التي بها ان
طَوَتْ ولَيالٍ قد جَلَوْتُمْ بها الفَجْرا

10. With the sitting place of meanings in a secluded intimacy
For you, apart from it, are the lovely world and the next

١٠. بِمَجْلى مَعاني خَلْوةٍ ضمنَ جَلْوَةٍ
لكُمْ دونَها الدُّنيا النَّضيرةُ والأُخرى

11. Restore for us the outpouring customs of your bounty
And favor with fulfilling wishes, and mend the rupture

١١. أعيدوا لنا عاداتِ هَطَّالِ فَيْضِكُمْ
ومُنُّوا بِتَحقيقِ المُنى واجْبُروا الكَسرا