1. Strengthen your heart, we are all lovers
Passion has soared in us for the one we yearn for
١. وَطِّدْ فُؤادَكَ كُلُّنا عُشَّاقُ
طارَ الهَوَى فينا لمنْ نَشْتاقُ
2. The arts of love have seized all our hearts
And burned them all with passion
٢. أخَذَتْ فُنونُ العِشقِ كلَّ قُلوبِنا
وتَمَكَّنَتْ بِجَميعِها الأحْراقُ
3. A fire kindles and a blaze that does not extinguish
My God, how can this state be endured?
٣. نارٌ تَشُبُّ وزَفْرَةٌ لا تَنْطَفي
الله هذا الشَّأنُ كيفَ يُطاقُ
4. Love has settled in the heart, unshaken
And the wondrous thing, its home flutters
٤. سَكَنَ الغرامُ القلبَ غيرَ مُزَحْزَحٍ
ومنَ العجائبِ بَيْتُهُ خَفَّاقُ
5. Bondage and freedom in one house
In my heart, the bondage and freedom from me
٥. قَيْدٌ وإطْلاقٌ ببيتٍ واحدٍ
في القلبِ منِّي القَيدُ والإطْلاقُ
6. If you had smelled us on the day of parting, bewildered
You would have seen how we are led to the graves
٦. لو شِمْتَنا يومَ الفِراقِ ذَواهلاً
لَرأيتَ كيفَ إلى القٌبورِ نُساقُ
7. And your lives, O you for whose eyes
My tears overflow, streaming down
٧. وحَياتِكُمْ يا من لأجلِ عُيونِكُمْ
ها دَمعُ عَيني فائِضٌ رَقْراقُ
8. And your beauty, your grace, your charm
And your image, for which one is led
٨. وجَميلِكُمْ وجَمالِكُمْ ودَلالِكُمْ
وخَيالِكُمْ إذْ للخَيالِ يُساقُ
9. And the gentle, noble glance of your faces
Is for the heart a healing remedy
٩. ولَطيفِ أشرفِ نَظْرَةٍ لوُجوهِكُمْ
هي للفُؤادِ وسَمِّهِ تِرْياقُ
10. I have no hope apart from you, even if
It would allow the poor to climb to luxury
١٠. ما لي بغيرِ جَنابكمْ أملٌ ولو
منهُ تَسَلَّقَ للطِّباقِ نِطاقُ
11. And to me, O delicate gazelle, you have confused me
So for you is a disturbing meeting and parting
١١. وإليَّ يا ظَبيَ النَّقا حَيَّرْتَني
فَلَكُمْ لِقاءٌ مُقْلِقٌ وفِراقُ
12. Those eyebrows, and the eyebrows below them
Are my preoccupation, and that dazzling smile
١٢. تلكَ الحَواجبُ والحَواجبُ دونَها
شُغْلي وهذا المَبْسَمُ البَرَّاقُ
13. A humble slave beneath the tree of your glory
Whose habit is sorrow and weeping
١٣. عبدٌ ذَليلٌ تَحتَ سِدْرَةِ عِزِّكُمْ
من دَأبِهِ الأحزانُ والإطْراقُ
14. He spends his time drowned in passion for you
So his time, my masters, is utter absorption
١٤. أمْضى الزَّمانَ بكم غَريقَ غَرامهِ
فَزَمانُهُ يا سادَتي اسْتِغْراقُ
15. He weeps and laments, burning with yearning
Woe to him, how the passions have afflicted him
١٥. يَبْكي ويَنْدبُ لَهفةً وتَوَلُّهاً
وَيلاهُ كم فَعَلَتْ بهِ الأشواقُ
16. He hopes for kindness from you with a glance
Out of generosity, though he deserves no merit
١٦. يَرْجوكُمو عَطْفاً عليهِ بِنَظرَةٍ
كَرَماً ولو هو ما لهُ اسْتِحقاقُ
17. Love has seized his tongue, so his words
Are flooded when passion inspires speech
١٧. أخَذ الغرامُ لِسانَهُ فَكَلامُهُ
فيهِ إذا شَرَحَ الهَوَى إغراقُ
18. He sought seclusion with all his loved ones
And when it comes to seclusion, he races to it
١٨. طَلَبَ الطِّرادَ معَ الأحِبَّةِ كُلِّهمْ
ولهُ إذا صارَ الطِّرادُ سِباقُ
19. His verses about you, by my life, are abundant
The pages are too narrow for the intricacy of its arts
١٩. آياتُهُ بكُمُ لَعَمري جَمَّةٌ
ضاقَتْ بِنَقْشِ فُنونِها الأوراقُ
20. The nature of passion's newness has seized him
In the religion of love, morals have changed
٢٠. خُلُقُ الغرامِ جَديدُهُ أخَذَتْ به
للصَّبرِ في دينِ الهَوَى الأخلاقُ
21. You told him to be patient, so he mastered it
Yet how can this patience be tasted?
٢١. قد قُلْتُمو صَبراً فأُحْكِمَ أمْرُهُ
فيه وهذا الصَّبرُ كيفَ يُذاقُ
22. He abandoned existence for your sake, so he is
Free in existence from its calamities
٢٢. تَرَكَ الوُجودَ لأجْلِكُمْ فَلَهُ على
هذي الحَوادثِ في الوُجودِ طِلاقُ
23. So save him with mercy, show him compassion
And gentleness, for his blood is spilled
٢٣. فَتَدارَكوهُ بِرَأفَةٍ وتَحَنَّنوا
وتَلَطَّفوا بدَمٍ لديهِ يُراقُ
24. And treat him with the morals of Him
Who praised the morals of the Creator
٢٤. وتَخَلَّقوا لُطْفاً بأخلاقِ الَّذي
أثْنى على أخْلاقِهِ الخَلاَّقُ