1. O you who have sworn by the night to arise,
The caravan of night is heading off with travel
١. أَيُّها المُسْتَحلِفُ اللَّيْلَ أَفِقْ
إِنَّ ركبَ اللَّيْلِ بالسَّيرِ عَدَا
2. Rise and do not be lazy or tired
The one who is awake will not equal the one who slept
٢. قمْ ولا تغفلْ خُمولاً كَسَلاً
لن يُساوي يَقِظاً من رقَدَا
3. And leave the matter to God and be
His servant forever
٣. ودعِ الأمرَ إلى اللهِ وكنْ
عبدَهُ في بابِهِ طولَ المَدَى
4. Entrust the matter to Him, relying
Do not fear anyone in existence forever
٤. سلِّمِ الأَمرَ له متَّكِلاً
لا تخفْ في الكونِ دَهراً أَحَدَا
5. And turn your face to Him with honor in Him
And take as an intimate secret for Him the Majestic
٥. واصْرِفِ الوجهَ له عِزًّا به
واتَّخِذْ سِرًّا له جلَّ يَدَا
6. And from strangers be withdrawn
And to the Compeller go solitary
٦. وعن الأَغيارِ كن منجَمِعاً
وإِلى الجبَّارِ صِرْ مُنْفرِدا
7. And if the travel excites you then stand
In the darkness of night and unfurl observing
٧. وإِذا شطَّ بك السَّيرُ فقمْ
في دُجى اللَّيْلِ وحِلَّ الرَّصَدَا
8. And seek in the sea of the heart of Mustafa
Ahmad the universes, Ta Ha the helper
٨. والتمِسْ في بحرِ قلبِ المُصْطَفى
أَحمدِ الأَكوانِ طَهَ المَدَدَا
9. The secret of this universe is the racetrack of hopes
The point of eloquence, the soul of good fortune
٩. سِرُّ هذا الكَوْنِ مِضْمارُ العَما
نقطَةُ الأسلوبِ رُوحُ السُّعَدَا
10. The deep sea of divinity which
Its waves within hopes whatever solidified
١٠. لُجَّةُ البحر الإِلهِيِّ الَّذي
موجُهُ ضمنَ العَما ما جَمَدَا
11. Emerging of the secret and the wishes of acceptance
The light of the eye of the sun, overflowing of bounty
١١. بارِزُ السِّرِّ وطَمْطامُ الرِّضا
نورُ عينِ الطَّمسِ فيَّاضُ النَّدَا
12. The star of sanctity which in the rising of
The unseen, stepped with knowledge enlightened
١٢. كوكَبُ القُدْسِ الَّذي في طالِعِ ال
غَيْبِ قِدْماً بالعُلومِ اتَّقَدَا
13. The Kaaba of spirits, fortress of opening, the one
God made a helper, a pillar
١٣. كعبَةُ الأَرْواحِ حِصنُ الفتْحِ مَنْ
قَدْ براهُ اللهُ غوثاً سَنَدَا
14. He among the messengers is hoped for
And the Imam chosen, and the guided
١٤. هو بينَ المُرْسَلينَ المُرْتجى
والإِمامُ المُجْتَبى والمُقْتَدى
15. He is the door of God, holder of revelation
He is the Criterion of manifestation for guidance
١٥. هو بابُ اللهِ صَمْصامُ الوَحا
هو فُرقانُ التَّجَلِّي للهُدَى
16. He is the one who stood obscuring and ecstatic
And witnessed and emerged praising
١٦. هو من قد قامَ طَمساً حامِداً
وشُهوداً وبُروزاً أَحمَدَا
17. A star in the constellation of God’s knowledge not
Did the constellations rise except climbing
١٧. كوكَبٌ بُرجِ علمِ اللهِ ما
حُطَّتِ الأَبراجُ إِلاَّ صَعِدا
18. The sword of command in the sheath of wisdom, before
This foretime stepped sheathed
١٨. سيفُ أَمرٍ في غِمادِ الحُكْمِ من
قبلِ هذا القَبْلِ قِدْماً أُغْمدَا
19. All who find him what was missed
And the one who misses him what was found
١٩. كلُّ من يوجِدُهُ ما فُقِدا
والَّذي يُفقدُهُ ما وُجِدَا
20. The riding of God’s people to God after
Him the righteous passed time and ransomed
٢٠. ركبُ أَهْلِ اللهِ للهِ على
إِثْرِهِ المَبْرورُ طوْراً وفَدَا
21. The martyrs of God among His nation
And so the substitutes, rather the fortunate
٢١. شُهَداءُ اللهِ من أُمَّتِهِ
وكذا الأَبدالُ بل والسُّعَدا
22. We have strung the necklace of praise of him
Thus we considered worthless the necklaces
٢٢. قد نظَمْنا عَسْجَدَ المدحِ به
فاحتَقَرْنا في العُقودِ العَسْجَدَا
23. All who profess the religion to him
Knew God a Lord Eternal
٢٣. كلُّ من أَذعَنَ بالدِّينِ له
عَرَفَ اللهَ إِلهاً صَمَدَا
24. His sea in the digressions of the unseen without
Help of the Doer forever overflowed
٢٤. بحرُهُ في شَطَحاتِ الغَيْبِ بال
مَدَدِ الفعَّالِ دهراً أَزْبَدَا
25. By my father how many decisive matters resolved
And by my soul how many systems knotted
٢٥. بأَبي كم حلَّ أَمراً مُبْرَماً
وبرُوحي كم نِظامٍ عَقَدَا
26. And by a full moon that shone like the full moon when
His companions frowned so he solitary emerged
٢٦. وببدرٍ ضاءَ كالبدرِ وقد
جفَلَتْ أَصحابُهُ فانْفَرَدَا
27. He stood under harassment and war which for it
Is clamor, leading lions difficult
٢٧. قامَ تحتَ العَجِّ والحربُ لها
ضجَّةٌ صعبَ قِيادٍ أَسَدَا
28. He shone among the white flashes of swords suns that set
In the eyes of the people from him a scene
٢٨. وجَلا في البِيدِ شمساً أَثبَتَتْ
بعُيونِ القَوْمِ منه مَشْهَدَا
29. He returned their sights humiliated
As if they died of rage suppressed
٢٩. ردَّ أَبصارَهُمُ خاسِئَةً
مثلما ماتُوا بغيْظٍ كَمَدَا
30. And the panic among his horsemen
Returned security to the heart and removed sorrow
٣٠. وأَعادَ الرَّوعُ من فرسانِهِ
أَمْنَ قلبٍ وأَزالَ النَّكَدَا
31. So they called out when returned ashamed
When they saw from him roaring lion
٣١. فتَداعَوْا حينَ رُدُّوا خَجَلاً
مذْ رَأَوْا منه هِزَبْراً أَسَدَا
32. He took the people with good character
And with inclusive pardon for what appeared
٣٢. أَخذَ القَوْمَ بخُلْقٍ حسَنٍ
وبعفْوٍ شامِلٍ عمَّا بَدَا
33. And he appeared among them smiling
From him a cheerful mouth soothing cold
٣٣. وتجَلَّى بينهُمْ مُبْتَسِماً
منه ثغرٌ مُسْتَميحٌ بَرَدَا
34. Thanking God the Exalted, satisfied
Contenting thoughts in what he found
٣٤. شكرَ اللهَ تعالى راضِياً
رَيِّضَ الأَفْكارِ فيما وَجَدَا
35. And returned loss a conquest overwhelming
With the heights of his might the party of enemies
٣٥. وأَعادَ الخُسْرَ نصراً قاهِراً
بمعالي بأْسِهِ حِزْبَ العِدَى
36. He is promised by God with victory, the ancient
Promise fulfilled what was promised
٣٦. هو مَوْعودٌ من اللهِ بنَصْ
رٍ قديمٍ فقُضِي ما وُعِدَا
37. And established the truth among people as
He weakened falsehood until seated
٣٧. وأَقامَ الحقَّ في الخَلْقِ كما
أَوهَنَ الباطِلَ حتَّى أَقْعَدَا
38. The enemies said against their will about him
We did not see anyone of stronger resilience
٣٨. قالتِ الأَعْداءُ عن رَغمٍ بهِمْ
ما رأَيْنا منه أَقوى جَلَدَا
39. They attributed to him the Trustworthy Chosen One
And ignored his superiority out of envy
٣٩. نعَتوهُ بالأَمينِ المُرْتَضى
وتَعامَوْا عن عُلاهُ حَسَدَا
40. How does a jealous one in his allegation
Harm he who God has made fortunate?
٤٠. كيفَ يُشقي حاسِدٌ في زعمِهِ
من له اللهُ تعالى أَسْعَدَا
41. A master, without whom the creation of the world
Would not be as He wills to be worshipped
٤١. سيِّدٌ لولاهُ خَلاَّقُ الوَرَى
مثلما يَرْضى له ما عُبِدَا
42. Upon him, at every instant, forever
Are the prayers of God my Lord eternally
٤٢. فعَليهِ كلَّ آنٍ أَبداً
صلَواتُ اللهِ رَبِّي سَرْمَدَا