1. The cup of ardor is an opponent of delusive fancy
His suppositions have lied to him, where is ardor?
١. جاسَ الحِمى خَصْمٌ بِصَوْلَةِ وَهْمهِ
كَذَبَتْ عليهِ ظُنونُهُ أينَ الحِمى
2. The darkness of spears clustered around its pillars
The whiteness of teeth that
٢. سُمْرُ القَنا انْعَقَدَتْ على أرْكانهِ
بيضُ السِّنانِ تَ
3. Shook with the resolve of Abul 'Awaagiz Ahmad
So the enemy discarded and the Master aimed
٣. هُزَّتْ بعزمِ أَبي العَواجِزِ أَحمدٍ
فرَمَى العَدُوَّ فبادَ والمولَى رمَى
4. The extraordinary events appeared to the beholder
Baring teeth dripping with blood
٤. بدَتْ شُؤُنُ الخارِقاتِ لمُبْصِرٍ
تُبْدي سِناناً بالدِّماءِ مُنَمْنَمَا
5. The hand of proof wrote on its edges
The Sheikh of the frail never ceased to protect the sanctuary
٥. كتبَتْ يدُ البُرْهانِ في أَطْرافِهِ
شيخُ العَواجِزِ لم يزلْ يَحمي الحِمَى