
What does the ailing one whose lips are cracked say

ماذا يقول عليل شفه وله

1. What does the ailing one whose lips are cracked say
With his heart throbbing with intense longing?

١. ماذا يقولُ عليلٌ شفَّهُ ولَهٌ
وقلبِهِ بلِظى الأَشواقِ يضطَرِبُ

2. The night took him on a journey, so he is like a bird
Returning to the dwellings of the living.

٢. سرتْ به العِيسُ ليلاً فهي طائرةٌ
إلى مفاوِزِ أَهلِ الحيِّ تنقلِبُ

3. He weeps and laments from a passion that has seized him,
The torrents and flames both opposing him.

٣. يبكي ويندُبُ عن وجدٍ تسرْبَلَهُ
ضِدَّانِ قاما به فالسَّيلُ واللَّهبُ

4. O you who see those madly in love as strange,
Look, here is a lover who is all wonders.

٤. يا من يرَى بسِواهُ في الهوَى عَجَباً
أَبصِرْ فهذا مُحِبٌّ كلُّهُ عجَبُ

5. O people of the neighborhood, be gentle with one whose
Fires have flared up and whose flowing tears pour forth.

٥. يا جيرَةَ الحيِّ رِفقاً بالذي اضْطَرَمَتْ
نيرانُهُ وسُيولُ الدَّمعِ تنسكِبُ

6. If the land did not flourish with your deeds,
Then the grass on its edges would not be lush.

٦. إِن كانتِ الأَرضُ لم تبهَجْ بسيرَتِكُمْ
فلا ازْدَهى بفَضا أَطرافِها العِشِبُ

7. Nor would the heavens gleam with your star,
No pole star would one day shine among its mansions.

٧. أَو السَّمواتُ لم تلمَعْ بكوكَبِكُمْ
لا دارَ يوماً لدى أَبراجِها القُطُبُ

8. Nor would the waters in the lowlands of the land spring forth,
Nor would meteors blaze in the lofty atmosphere.

٨. ولا المِياهُ ببطْحاءِ الورَى نبعَتْ
ولا تلأْلأَ في جوِّ العُلى الشُّهُبُ

9. I loved you, so my brothers' jealousy multiplied
And they cast lies onto my garment like blood.

٩. عشِقْتُكُمْ فتوالى إِخوتي حَسَدٌ
ورُشَّ منهُمْ على ثوبي دَمٌ كذِبُ

10. I was absent in the depths of my sorrows, and I hoped
For one single helper by whom troubles could be erased.

١٠. وغِبْتُ في جُبِّ أَحزاني ولي أملٌ
بواحدٍ أَحدٍ تُمْحى به النُّوَبُ

11. It was as if Jacob, my father, had no son,
And none but they were his progeny in the world.

١١. كأَنَّ يعقوبَ إِنتاجي بلا ولدٍ
وما له غيرهُمْ بين الوَرى عَقِبُ

12. God honored me until I became their master,
Just as hearts turn around from day to day.

١٢. تكرَّمَ اللهُ حتَّى قمتُ سيِّدَهُمْ
كما القُلوبُ هي الأيَّامُ تنقَلِبُ

13. When their Jesus approached me aggressively
And rose up in my yard to fight me,

١٣. لمَّا دنتْ عيسُهُمْ نحوي بمسغَبَةٍ
منهُمْ وقامَ لهُمْ في ساحَتي طلَبُ

14. I told them of the unseen world's affairs, so they were dumbfounded
And shaken by the sublimity of my holy presence.

١٤. أخبرتُهُمْ بشُؤُنِ الغيبِ فانْذَهلوا
وهزَّهُمْ لمَعالي حضرَتي رَهَبُ

15. Take my shirt and rub my father's face with it
And he will soon regain his sight, excellent is such a father!

١٥. خُذوا قَميصي ومِسُّوا فيه وجه أبي
يرتَدُّ حالاً بَصيراً نعْمَ منهُ أَبُ

16. They had overcome me and taken it after lying,
And I had become a prince among them just as they had overcome me.

١٦. قد غالَبوني عليه بعد أَن كَذَبوا
وصِرتُ فيهم أميراً مثلَ ما غَلَبوا

17. Praise God who took us from Bedouin life to civilization;
We came and accomplished for us the goal and profit.

١٧. الحمدُ للهِ من بدوٍ إلى حضرٍ
جِئنا وتمَّ لنا المقصودُ والأَرَبُ

18. The Throne on high and the angels below know us,
As do the House, the eloquent preachers, and the sermons.

١٨. فالعرشُ والفرشُ والأَملاكُ تعرِفُنا
والبيتُ والخُطَباءُ الفُصْحُ والخُطَبُ

19. If the enemies denied us, they are failures,
And despite them the non-Arabs and Arabs know us.

١٩. إِن أَنكرَتْنا الأَعادي فهي خاسِئَةٌ
ورغْمَهُمْ عرفَتْنا العُجْمُ والعرَبُ

20. Through the House of the Messenger of God we have a
Noble lineage, with an excellent origin and ancestry.

٢٠. لنا بآلِ رسولِ اللهْ سِلسِلَةً
جليلةٌ طابَ منها الأَصلُ والنَّسَبُ

21. We are a people whose ascent is to the Highest,
With no cause but the choice of the Chosen One.

٢١. ونحنُ قومٌ إلى العَلْياءِ مصعَدُهُمْ
وما لهُمْ غيرَ عزْمِ المُصْطَفى سَبَبُ

22. The envious attacked us with evil, happily
Enjoying the rubbing of a mangy camel's skin.

٢٢. جرى الحُسودُ لنا بالسوءِ مُبْتَهِجاً
يَطيبُ إِحكاكَ جلدِ الأَجربِ الجَرَبُ

23. Oh, how miserable is the path they have taken
And their goal in religion is defect.

٢٣. يا بئسَ ما اتَّخذوهُ من مَسالِكِهِمْ
نهجاً وغايتُهُمْ في دِينهِمْ عَطَبُ

24. The snake of their inner thoughts has become smooth to the touch,
But it turns on them with lethal poison.

٢٤. أَفعى خَواطِرِهِمْ لانتْ ملامِسُها
لكنْ عليهم بسَمِّ القتلِ تنقَلِبُ

25. We took successive steps,
Following the Prophet to whom reverence is shown.

٢٥. مدارِكٌ قد أخذْناها مُسلسَلَةً
عن النَّبيِّ الذي يُعزى له الأَدَبُ