1. You claimed I was ignorant,
Greedy, with no heart for dignity,
١. زَعَمَتْ نَفْسكَ أنِّي جاهِلٌ
وحَريصٌ مالَ قَلْباً للعَرَضْ
2. Or like people led astray by pride,
Who made the self their dignity.
٢. أو كأقْوامٍ غُروراً جَهِلوا السِّ
رَّ حتَّى جَعَلوا النَّفْسَ عَرَضْ
3. Or like one who was distraught over a passing matter,
Who forsook sincerity and was misled by whims,
٣. أو كَمَنْ طاشَ لِشأنٍ عارِضٍ
ورَمى الصِّدْقَ وأغْواهُ الغَرَضْ
4. Or like one whose heart's rope was tied to people,
Until he became distant and tore it apart.
٤. أو كَمَنْ عَقَّدَ حَبْلَ القَلْبِ بال
قومِ حتَّى قامَ جافا وقَرَضْ
5. Or like one who had a secret desire for concealment,
So he tore open the seal in confusion,
٥. أو كَمَنْ سِرٌّ لهُ رِقُّ الخَفا
فَلِوَهمٍ مَزَّقَ الخَتْمَ وَفَضْ
6. Or like one who made a resolve with his own hand,
Then in the intoxication of the self became conceited and satisfied.
٦. أو كَمَن قامَ بِعَزمٍ من يَدٍ
فَبِسُكْرِ النَّفْسِ عالاها وَرَضّ
7. Or like one who made a covenant with his Master
About people's states, then neglected it and voided it.
٧. أو كَمَنْ عاهَدَ مَولاهُ على
حالَةِ النَّاسِ وخَلَّى وَنَقَضْ
8. Or like one for whom the firmness of contentment was tied,
Yet he saw his own firmness until it burst open.
٨. أو كَمَنْ شُدَّتْ له حُزْمُ الرِّضا
فَرآها حَزْمُهُ حتَّى انْبَهَضْ
9. Or like one for whom the table of the unseen was set out
From a palm and through the unseen then he rejected it.
٩. أو كَمَنْ مُدَّتْ له مائِدَةُ ال
غَيبِ من كفٍّ وبالغَيِّ رَفَضْ
10. Or like one whom a knower touched on the forehead,
So he returned his palms and bit them.
١٠. أو كَمَنْ مَسَّ على جَبْهَتِهِ
عارِفٌ رَدَّ لِكَفَّيْهِ وَعَضّ
11. Or like one called "Come and look at our light!"
But he closed his eyes and frowned.
١١. أو كَمَنْ نودِيَ أقْبِلْ وانْظُرَنْ
نورَنا أغْمَضَ عَيْنَيْهِ وغَضّ
12. Or like one told "Sit with us,
We are safe," but he arrogantly stood up.
١٢. أو كَمَنْ قيلَ له اقْعُدْ مَعَنا
نحنُ في الأمنِ وعن عُجْبٍ نَهَضْ
13. Or like one who rolled up his sleeves for the Sunnah
And earnest work, but neglected the obligatory.
١٣. أو كَمَنْ شَمَّرَ للسُّنَّةِ عن
ساعِدِ الجَدِّ وخَلَّى المُفْتَرَضْ
14. Or like one called to stop in our oasis,
But he disobeyed the command and chose suffering.
١٤. أو كَمَنْ صيحَ له قِفْ بالهَنا
فَعَصَى الآمرَ واخْتارَ المَضَضْ
15. Or like one who had a jewel placed on his apron
But he threw it off of himself and shook it away.
١٥. أو كَمَنْ حُطَّ على مِئْزَرِهِ
جَوْهَرٌ ألْقاهُ عنهُ ونَفَضْ
16. Or like one who extended a hand to others,
And through it felt the pain of the world.
١٦. أو كَمَنْ مَدَّ إلى الأُخرى يَداً
وبهِ من ألَمِ الدُّنيا مَرَضْ
17. Or like one whom they attracted with generosity
But he rose above generosity and withdrew.
١٧. أو كَمَنْ بالبَسْطِ جَرُّوهُ لهمْ
فَمِنَ البَسْطِ تَعالى وانْقَبَضْ
18. I swear by the cave dwellers of the cloak,
And those whose love Allah made obligatory,
١٨. قَسَماً بالغُرِّ من أهلِ العَبا
وبِمَنْ وُدَّهُمُ الله فَرَضْ
19. That I am of a people who through their Master became exalted,
Whether the envious one agreed or objected.
١٩. أنا من قومٍ بِمولاهُمْ عَلَوا
وافَقَ الحاسِدُ أو فيها اعْتَرَضْ
20. And of those content with their Creator,
Whether the neighbor one day loved or hated.
٢٠. ومن الرَّاضينَ عن خالِقِهِمْ
إنْ أحَبَّ الجارُ يوماً أو بَغَضْ
21. And of the people who seized
The opportunity for sincerity by leaving ambition.
٢١. ومِنَ القومِ الذينَ انْتَهَزوا
فُرْصَةَ الإخلاصِ في تَركِ الغَرَضْ
22. And of the party who were preoccupied
With a Beloved; they have no substitute for Him.
٢٢. ومنَ الحِزْبِ الذينَ اشْتَغَلوا
بحبيبٍ ما لهم عنهُ عِوَضْ
23. They left strangers out of their thoughts,
With the abandon of one determined to seek the desired.
٢٣. تَرَكوا الأغْيارَ عن خاطِرِهمْ
تَرْكَ ذي عَزْمٍ على المَطْلوبِ حَضّ