
They said the sacred lands have been defiled at their borders

قالوا الحمى قد جيس من أطرافه

1. They said the sacred lands have been defiled at their borders
And the enemies have cast their sharpened spears

١. قالوا الحِمى قد جيسَ من أطْرافِهِ
والخَصْمُ بالنَّبْلِ المُجَرَّدِ قد رَمى

2. We said his own arrows will fall back upon him
The guardian of the weak always protects the sacred lands

٢. قُلْنا يَعودُ عليهِ زَخُّ نِبالِهِ
شَيْخُ العَواجِزِ دائماً حامي الحِمى